What does latter mean?

What does latter mean?

1 : the second one of two things or people that have been mentioned Of these two options, the former is less expensive, while the latter is less risky. 2 : the last thing or person mentioned Of chicken, fish, and meat, I like the latter best.

How do you use latter in a sentence?

  1. She liked the latter plan much better.
  2. Faced with those two, I would far prefer the latter .
  3. In the latter category, one text stuck out.
  4. The latter part of his life was spent at Heraclea.
  5. Somehow the latter seemed more likely with Cade.

What comes after latter?

Former refers to the first of a set, while latter refers to the second, or last, item. They usually appear in the sentence immediately following the sequence they are describing.

Does latter mean last?

The terms former and latter are words used to distinguish between two things. Former directs us to the first of these two things, and latter directs us to the second (or last) of them. Do not use former or latter when you are writing about more than two things. It is a relative of our modern word later.

What is latter example?

The definition of latter is something that occurs toward the end or something that happens after another event. An example of latter is 11:00 PM when the party started at 7:00 PM. An example of latter is the second act in a play.

Is it the latter or the ladder?

A ladder is a device with rungs that allows people to climb to high places. Latter is an adjective that refers to the second item in a comparison, or the last of something.

What does I prefer the latter mean?

being the second mentioned of two (distinguished from former): I prefer the latter offer to the former one.

What does latter years mean?

You use latter to describe the later part of a period of time or event. He is getting into the latter years of his career. Synonyms: last, later, latest, ending More Synonyms of latter.

What’s the opposite of Latter?

Latter definition: Latter is also an adjective. It is the opposite of former; it means the second in a list of two things.

What is the antonym of the word latter?

What is the opposite of latter?

beginning earliest
antecedent earlier
foregoing former
preceding previous
prior aforementioned

What is latter antonym?

latter. Antonyms: antecedent, anterior, earlier, foregoing, former, forward, front, introductory, precedent, preceding, preliminary, previous, prior. Synonyms: after, concluding, consequent, following, hind, hinder, hindmost, later, posterior, subsequent, succeeding.

Is unpunctual a word?

adjective. strictly observant of an appointed or regular time; not late; prompt. made, occurring, etc., at the scheduled or proper time: punctual payment.

What does foregoing mean?

: listed, mentioned, or occurring before the foregoing statement can be proven Let me elaborate on the foregoing paragraph.

What is another word for foregoing?

Some common synonyms of foregoing are antecedent, anterior, former, preceding, previous, and prior. While all these words mean “being before,” foregoing applies chiefly to statements.

What does Without limiting the foregoing mean?

Drafters use the phrase without limiting the generality of the foregoing to introduce one or more examples of a concept described in the immediately preceding language. A simple alternative is the phrase including without limitation, which serves the same function.

Is without prejudice to meaning?

More importantly, marking a letter “without prejudice” means that it cannot later be admitted in evidence before a court or employment tribunal without the consent of both parties concerned, should settlement negotiations subsequently break down and the dispute come before the court or tribunal.

What is a generality?

1 : the quality or state of being general. 2a : generalization sense 2. b : a vague or inadequate statement. 3 : the greatest part : bulk the generality of the population.

What is generality example?

countable noun. A generality is a general statement that covers a range of things, rather than being concerned with specific instances. [formal] I’ll start with some generalities and then examine a few specific examples. He avoided this tricky question and talked in generalities.

What does prospectivity mean?

Prospectivity means the likelihood of making a petroleum discovery, and then also the likelihood that any discovery can be commercially developed.

What does retrospectively mean?

retrospective • \reh-truh-SPEK-tiv\ • adjective. 1 a : contemplative of or relative to past events : characterized by, given to, or indulging in retrospection b : being a generally comprehensive exhibition, compilation, or performance of the work of an artist over a span of years 2 : affecting things past : retroactive.

What is a prospective person?

Prospective is defined as likely or expected. An example of someone prospective is a potential new client; a prospective client. An example of someone prospective is a student looking at colleges; a prospective student.

What is prospectivity law?

The prospectivity and retroactivity of laws are important concepts in the operation of law. First, let us define the terms. A thing is prospective if it is expected to happen in the future. Meanwhile, a thing is retroactive if it takes effect from a date in the past.

What is generality principle?

This refers to the political belief that laws created by the state need to apply equally to all groups of people in order to avoid any form of discrimination. Proponents of the generality principle believe that this is essential to uphold fairness and justice in society.