What does Lind mean in German?

What does Lind mean in German?

English Translation. balmy. More meanings for lind. gentle adjective. sanft, zart, schonend, leicht, sanftmütig.

What does trenches mean in English?

English Language Learners Definition of trench : a long, narrow hole that is dug in the ground. : a deep, narrow hole in the ground that is used as protection for soldiers. : a long, narrow hole in the ocean floor.

What was a trench used for?

Trenches provided protection from bullets and shells, but they did carry their own risks. Trench foot, trench fever, dysentery, and cholera could inflict casualties as readily as any enemy. Rats, flies, and lice were also commonplace.

What is another word for trench?

What is another word for trench?

ditch fosse
excavation furrow
gutter pit
waterway conduit
dike foss

Is Trench another word for valley?

Valley Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for valley?

groove channel
cut indentation
furrow hollow
trench gutter
rut score

What is the opposite of trench?

What is the opposite of trench?

closure denial
refusal veto

What is an antonym for trench?

noun. ( ˈtrɛntʃ) A ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth. Antonyms. deglycerolize disarrange divest disorganize disorganise call option undeceive.

What is the meaning of Crater?

1 : the area around the opening of a volcano or geyser that is shaped like a bowl. 2 : a hole (as in the surface of the earth or moon) formed by an impact (as of a meteorite) crater.

What does trough mean?

1a : a long shallow often V-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or feed of domestic animals. b : any of various domestic or industrial containers. 2a : a conduit, drain, or channel for water especially : a gutter along the eaves of a building.

What Did someone see from the trenches opposite?

First someone saw a white flag waving from the trenches opposite.

Who waved the white flag from the trenches Class 8?


What is the opposite of strange?

strange. Antonyms: home, domestic, familiar, usual, ordinary, common, regular, customary, commonplace, unsurprising, universal, general. Synonyms: foreign, alien, exotic, unfamiliar, unusual, odd, irregular, abnormal, exceptional, surprising, wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, uncommon, peculiar.

What were in trenches?

Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived. They were very muddy, uncomfortable and the toilets overflowed. These conditions caused some soldiers to develop medical problems such as trench foot. In the middle was no man’s land, which soldiers crossed to attack the other side.

What dangers did soldiers face in the trenches?


  • Life in the trenches was very difficult because they were dirty and flooded in bad weather.
  • Lice also caused a disease called Trench Fever that made the soldiers’ itch terribly and caused fever, headache, sore muscles, bones, and joints.
  • Many soldiers living in the trenches suffered from Trench Foot.

What did the trenches smell like?

The trenches had a horrible smell. They could smell cordite, the lingering odour of poison gas, rotting sandbags, stagnant mud, cigarette smoke, and cooking food. Although overwhelmed at first, new arrivals soon got used to it and eventually became part of the smell with their own body odour.

What was the area between the trenches called?

No Man’s Land

Does no man’s land still exist?

Effects from World War I no man’s lands persist today, for example at Verdun in France, where the Zone Rouge (Red Zone) contains unexploded ordnance, and is poisoned beyond habitation by arsenic, chlorine, and phosgene.

Why was no man’s land so dangerous?

the narrow, muddy, treeless stretch of land, characterized by numerous shell holes, that separated German and Allied trenches during the First World War. Being in No Man’s Land was considered very dangerous since it offered little or no protection for soldiers.

Why is it called No Man’s Land?

Most soldiers were forced to cross “no man’s land” to advance in enemy positions. “No mans land” is the stretch of land between the two front lines of the trenches. When it rained “no man’s land” got thick with mud.It is known as “no man’s land” because the land belonged to neither side and it was difficult to survive.

How many died in No Man’s Land?

417 casualties

Why was it hard to cross no man’s land?

Advances across No Man’s Land were difficult because the soldiers had to avoid being shot or blown-up, as well as barbed wire and water-filled shell-holes (Simkin). Besides having problems advancing, the soldiers also had to worry about their health, injuries, and sniper’s bullets.

Was there no man’s land in ww2?

No Man’s Land is the term used by soldiers to describe the ground between the two opposing trenches. The narrowest gap was at Zonnebeke where British and German soldiers were only about seven yards apart. No Man’s Land contained a considerable amount of barbed wire.

Why is the barbed wire in no man’s land at an angle?

Why is the barbed wire in no mans land at an angle? So people got stuck in the wire in the darkness and those mounting the machine guns could shoot them. First trench line closest to action. The most dangerous.

What country lost the most soldiers in ww1?


How big were the rats in the trenches?

Most soldiers who served on the Western Front would later recall how rats grew in boldness, stealing food that had been lain down for just a few moments. Rats would also crawl across the face of sleeping men. As they gorged themselves on food so they grew, with many rats reportedly growing to the size of cats.

How did they deal with rats in the trenches?

With no proper disposal system the rats would feast off food scraps. The rats grew bigger and bolder and would even steal food from a soldier’s hand. But for some soldiers the rats became their friends. They captured them and kept them as pets, bringing a brief reprisal from the horror which lay all around.

Did they eat rats in ww1?

Rats crawled around in the trenches, soldiers tried to kill them and eat them for food because they didn`t have much to eat. Some soldiers hated rats so much that they use some sort of trick. When they have nothing to eat they have to wait for a rat to come so they can kill it and eat it. …

Why were rats so big in the trenches?

George Coppard gave another reason why the rats were so large: “There was no proper system of waste disposal in trench life. They were so big they would eat a wounded man if he couldn’t defend himself.” These rats became very bold and would attempt to take food from the pockets of sleeping men.