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What does Oberon instruct puck do?

What does Oberon instruct puck do?

The King and Queen of the fairies, Oberon and Titania, have fallen out over a changeling boy that Titania has in her possession. Oberon wants the boy for himself but Titania won’t give him up. Oberon therefore plans revenge. He orders his servant, Puck, to fetch a magical flower.

What does Oberon tell puck about Lysander and Demetrius?

Oberon dispatches Puck to prevent Lysander and Demetrius from fighting and says that they must resolve this confusion by morning. Puck flies through the forest hurling insults in the voices of both Lysander and Demetrius, confusing the would-be combatants until they are hopelessly lost.

What does Oberon tell puck to find?

Before hurrying away to anoint Titania’s eyelids with the flower’s juice, Oberon orders Puck to look for an Athenian youth being pursued by a lady and to put some of the juice on the disdainful youth’s eyelids, so that when he wakes he will fall in love with the lady.

How does Oberon respond when Puck tells him about the trick he has played on Bottom and Titania?

How does Oberon respond when Puck tells him about the trick he has played on Bottom and Titania? He’s gone above and beyond. Oberon sees and hears both Demetrius and Helena fighting and sees Lysander confessing his love for Helena.

How does Oberon attempt to fix Puck’s error?

Terms in this set (10) Oberon tells puck to fix his mistake by, “Go around the forest, moving faster than the wind, and make sure you find Helena of Athens. —She’s lovesick, and her face is pale from all the sighing she’s been doing, because sighing is bad for the blood.

How do Oberon and Puck set things right for the star crossed lovers?

After hearing Demetrius reject Helena, what does Oberon ask Puck to do? How do Oberon and Puck set things right for the star-crossed lovers? Oberon sends Puck to distract and confuse the two men so that they don’t fight each other. Why does Titania give Oberon the child?