What does orlick represent in Great Expectations?

What does orlick represent in Great Expectations?

The day laborer in Joe’s forge, Orlick is a slouching, oafish embodiment of evil. He is malicious and shrewd, hurting people simply because he enjoys it. He is responsible for the attack on Mrs. Joe, and he later almost succeeds in his attempt to murder Pip.

What does Miss Havisham ask PIP for return for the money?

Pip asks Miss Havisham for £900 to invest in Herbert’s career. Miss Havisham is totally willing to cough up the money, and she also wants to know what she can do for Pip. But Pip doesn’t want any money. Miss Havisham begs Pip to forgive her, and Pip tells her he has already.

What does orlick confront PIP with?

Orlick accuses Pip of coming between him and a young woman he fancied, among other things, and declares his intention to have revenge. He also admits to killing Mrs. Joe, though he says that Pip is ultimately responsible for her death since Orlick did it to get back at him.

What is Jaggers warning to pip concerning Drummle?

What is Jaggers’ warning to Pip concerning Drummle? He tells Pip to steer clear of him.

What did Herbert tell Pip about Estella?

What did Herbert tell Pip about Estella? He told Pip that Estella was adopted by Miss Havisham. Contrast the dinner party at Jaggers’ house with the one at Wemmick’s. Dinner at Jaggers’ is served by the mysterious Molly, whom Wemmick had described as a tamed beast.

Who told Pip that Estella was adopted?

Herbert Pocket

Who takes credit for Pip’s rise in status?

9th Grade Novel Great Expectations part 2

Who takes credit for Pip’s rise in social status? Uncle Pumblechook
For most of the novel, whom does Pip suspect of being his secret benefactor? Miss Havisham
What name does Wemmick call his elderly father? “Aged Parent”

What does Miss Havisham say to pip that contributes to his suspicions that she is his benefactor?

What does Miss Havisham say to Pip that contributes to his suspicions that she is his benefactor? She knew the conditions of the agreement. This is an opinion question. Do you feel that Pip experiences the normal feelings of homesickness that most young people would feel upon first leaving home?