What does Prufrock compare the evening to?

What does Prufrock compare the evening to?

The speaker (Prufrock) compares the sunset to a “patient etherised upon a table.” Why do you suppose Prufrock would compare a sunset to some hospital patient who has been anesthetized and is waiting for an operation?

What does yellow smoke mean?

Yellow smoke is indicative of highly potent cannabis….

What Prufrock means?

Alfred Prufrock” is a symbolic poem which reflects the condition and mood of the modern city dwellers. It expresses the hollowness, infertility, the psychological trauma, the spiritual languor, the frustration and the hamletic state of mind of the post war generation….

Who is eternal Footman?

Death is sometimes referred to as “the eternal footman.” Here Prufrock is alluding to his own fears about mortality. These could be the human voices “waking” Prufrock from his mental reveries, causing him to drown because he does not know how to deal with people in real life, outside of his mental universe.

why do you suppose prufrock would compare a sunset to some hospital patient who has been anesthetized and is waiting for an operation? the speaker (prufrock) compares the sunset to a ¨patient etherised upon a table¨.

What does Prufrock mean I have measured out my life in coffee spoons?

When Prufrock says, in the poem’s seventh stanza, “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,” what he means is that his life has always been carefully controlled and predictable—in other words, measured. The image of the coffee spoon is one of middle-class domesticity.

How does Eliot describe the yellow fog in The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock?

The description mirrors the loneliness of the Prufrock, who is searching for some meaningful human connection. The sleepy, cat-like fog is something tangible that Prufrock identifies with in his own search. He says there will be “time” for the fog, just as there will be “time” for him to “meet the faces that you meet.”

How do you think Prufrock feels at the end of the poem?

By the end of the poem, Prufrock feels ostracized from the society of women, the “mermaids singing, each to each. / I do not think that they will sing to me” (124-125). Yet Prufrock admits he is not even “Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be; / Am an attendant lordŠ / Almost, at times, the Fool” (111-112, 119).

What does it mean to eat a peach?

In “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” Prufrock asks, “Do I dare to eat a peach?” Eating a peach is a symbol of taking a carefree, spontaneous approach to life. This is exactly what J. Alfred Prufrock has never dared to do, given the indecisions that plague him throughout the poem.

What sort of person is Prufrock?

Alfred Prufrock is a lonely, middle-aged man who moves through a modern, urban environment in a state of confusion and isolation.

What happens at the end of Prufrock?

He lingers in this moment at the end, mesmerized by the mermaids, woken by reality but then chooses death with the mermaids. Regarding the title of the poem, I know Dr. Scanlon pointed out Prufrock could represent proof/rock which are certainties.

Who said April is the cruelest month?

T.S. Eliot’s

What is Prufrock’s opinion of himself?

He believes that he is going to be judged harshly by others if he ventures out into society, and he imagines that they will talk about “how his hair is growing thin” and that they will comment on the thinness of his arms and legs, despite his “rich and modest” necktie and the “simple pin” he wears.

What social situation does Prufrock reflect upon in this poem?

What social situation does Prufrock reflect upon in this poem? ~ Prufrock reflects on socializing and interaction with other people, however he is reluctant to enjoy other’s company.