What does Soraya confess to Amir?

What does Soraya confess to Amir?

Soraya tells Amir that, on the night her father brought her home after she ran away, he arrived with a gun, and once she was home he made her cut off her hair. Amir is different from every Afghan guy she has met.

What is Soraya secret in The Kite Runner?

Soraya’s secret, that she ran away and lived with a man on drugs for a month when she was eighteen years old, is out in the open where she can deal with it. Amir is jealous that she doesn’t have to live with the dysfunction of secrecy. Baba kept his secret to the grave: He was the biological father of Hassan.

What do Amir and Soraya try to do for a full year?

Eventually he finds an agent, and then a publisher. After three years of marriage, Amir and Soraya start to try and have a child, and after a year of not being able to get pregnant, they decide they should consult a doctor.

Why does Amir envy Soraya in The Kite Runner?

Amir envies Soraya for freeing herself from her guilt and for being a braver and better person than him. Her sin may be smaller than his, but she has the strength to admit to it at the risk of losing him.

Why does Baba refuse treatment?

Why does Baba refuse chemotherapy? He know he will die and thinks it would be undignified to prolong his life merely for the sake of living.

What is Baba diagnosed with how does he decide to treat it?

How does he decide to treat it? Baba is diagnosed with Oat Cell Carcinoma – a type of cancer that is incurable in the long run. Baba decides to forgo chemotherapy. Instead, he decides to chain smoke the whole way home.

Is Hassan Amir’s brother?

Hassan was actually the son of Sanaubar and Baba, making him Amir’s half brother. Finally, Khan tells Amir that the reason he has called Amir to Pakistan is to ask him to rescue Hassan’s son, Sohrab, from an orphanage in Kabul.

How did Baba betray Amir?

Baba did betray Ali, Hassan and Amir through sleeping with Sanaubar and then keeping it hidden for years.

How does Amir betray Sohrab?

Later in the novel, Amir betrays Hassan’s son, Sohrab. Amir promised Sohrab that he could live with him after the death of Hassan, but instead, Amir suggests that Sohrab stays in an orphanage. ‘ This betrayal significantly impacts Sohrab’s life, as he attempts suicide after Amir goes back on his word.

How many times did Amir betray Hassan?

Amir. Amir twice betrays his loyal servant, Hassan, while they are still boys in Kabul: First, Amir fails to come to Hassan’s aid when he is sodomized by Assef shortly after the kite-flying contest.

Did Hassan forgive Amir?

In this novel, many deeds need forgiveness; many individuals seek redemption, and at the end, they all find it. This is shown by Hassan’s forgiveness of Amir, by Amir’s forgiveness of Baba, and by Amir’s forgiveness of himself. Even though Amir doesn’t help Hassan when he gets raped, Hassan forgives him.

Does Amir redeem himself in the end?

15) Does Amir redeem himself? Yes, Amir redeems himself, and by the end of the novel, he has paid for his betrayal of Hassan. He puts his safe, comfortable life in America on the line to return to Afghanistan and rescue Hassan’s son, Sohrab.

How does Baba try to redeem himself?

Although Baba never told Amir, Ali, or Hassan of his affair, and took the anger of his guilt out on his loved ones, Baba was able to find redemption. He forgave himself by helping those in need, and later improving his relations with Amir.

What is Hassan’s motivation for keeping Amir’s secret?

Ali has taught Hassan to be so righteous and loyal that he would not dream of starting trouble and does not hesitate to cover up for Amir. As we learn, Hassan is so determined to protect Amir and not to cause anyone grief that he keeps his rape a secret.

How does Amir deal with his guilt?

The second way Amir deals with his guilt is by sacrificing to save Hassan’s child in Kabul. There are two sacrifices that Amir does in order to save Sohrab. First deals with the tribes he belongs and Sohrab’s belongs. By saving Sohrab, who is a Hazara, Amir deals with his familial and societal guilt.