What does Synchronised mean?

What does Synchronised mean?

intransitive verb. : to happen at the same time. transitive verb. 1 : to represent or arrange (events) to indicate coincidence or coexistence.

What is the correct spelling of Synchronise?

verb (used with object), syn·chro·nized, syn·chro·niz·ing. to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches. to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked on together.

What is Synchrosing?

Noun. 1. synchronising – an adjustment that causes something to occur or recur in unison. synchronisation, synchronization, synchronizing. readjustment, adjustment, registration – the act of adjusting something to match a standard.

Does Sync have an H?

Computer users are often concerned with synchronizing their various programs and machines. The process is so common that the three-syllable word synchronize is usually shortened to its first syllable.

Is syncing a word?

n., v. synced or synched (sɪŋkt) sync•ing or synch•ing (ˈsɪŋ kɪŋ) n. 1. synchronization.

Is synch a real word?

synced or synched (sɪŋkt) sync•ing or synch•ing (ˈsɪŋ kɪŋ) n. 1. synchronization. 2. to synchronize.

What does synch mean in English?

: synchronize. sync. variants: or less commonly synch. Definition of sync (Entry 2 of 2) : synchronization, synchronism moving in sync out of sync with the world.

What is synchronization with example?

To synchronize is to coordinate or time events so they happen all at the same time. An example of synchronize is when dancers coordinate their movements. An example of synchronize is when you and a friend both set your watch to 12:15. To cause objects or events to move together or occur at the same time.

What is sync short for?

Sync, short for “synchronize,” is a verb for making things work together. When you lip-sync, you are moving your mouth to exactly match someone else’s words spoken or sung at precisely the same time.

What means muggy?

muggy Add to list Share. Think of hot, humid, steamy weather as being so unpleasant that you feel “mugged” by it when you step outside. That’s one way to remember the meaning of muggy. Muggy means a combination of humidity and heat that makes you sweaty and uncomfortable and long for air-conditioning.

Why do we say muggy?

The dictionary defines muggy as warm or hot and humid conditions with little stirring of the air. As far as its origin, it is thought to have come from the old Norse words mugen or mugga, which mean drizzle or mist, tying the term to humid conditions.

What does muggy mean UK slang?

Muggy – 5% understand it Dictionary definition: (of the atmosphere, weather, etc.) oppressively humid; damp and close. Love Island definition: Someone who’s playing you, or taking you for a fool/mug. Example: “Muggy Mike just stole the girl I’m seeing”.

What does Tuguy mean?


What does Stugots mean in Cree?

to. Stugots = Crazy. “tickie-1 @home.com (The Fist)” wrote in message.

How do you say yes in Cree?

A collection of useful phrases in Cree, an Algonquin language spoken mainly in Canada….Useful phrases in Cree.

Phrase ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ / Nēhiyawēwin (Cree)
Yes, a little (reply to ‘Do you speak …?’) ᐁᐦᐊ. ᐊᐱᓯᐢ ᐱᑯ ᓂᓀᐦᔭᐘᐣ (Eha. Apisis piko ninehiyawan
Speak to me in Cree

How do you say hello in Oji Cree?

Indigenous Affairs on Twitter: “The Oji-cree word for “Hello” is “Waachi’ye””

Is Ojibway Cree?

They are closely related to the Odawa and Algonquin peoples, and share many traditions with neighbouring Cree people, especially in the north and west of Ontario, and east of Manitoba. In their traditional homelands in the Eastern Woodlands, Ojibwe people became integral parts of the early fur trade economy.

What does Ojibwa mean?

1 : a member of an American Indian people of the region around Lake Superior and westward. 2 : an Algonquian language of the Ojibwa people.

What does Synchronised mean?

What does Synchronised mean?

intransitive verb. : to happen at the same time. transitive verb. 1 : to represent or arrange (events) to indicate coincidence or coexistence.

What is the correct spelling of Synchronise?

verb (used with object), syn·chro·nized, syn·chro·niz·ing. to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches. to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked on together.

What do u mean by synchronization?

Synchronization is the coordination of events to operate a system in unison. For example, the conductor of an orchestra keeps the orchestra synchronized or in time. Systems that operate with all parts in synchrony are said to be synchronous or in sync—and those that are not are asynchronous.

How do you use synchronized in a sentence?

Synchronized sentence example. They were so synchronized and fluid that Carmen asked Alex if they danced often. Katie turned away and snatched Toby’s hand. They approached the demons tentatively, waiting for the quiet creatures to attack rather than move.

What is synchronization with example?

To synchronize is to coordinate or time events so they happen all at the same time. An example of synchronize is when dancers coordinate their movements. An example of synchronize is when you and a friend both set your watch to 12:15. To cause objects or events to move together or occur at the same time.

What is the best synonym for synchronized?


  • accompany,
  • attend,
  • co-occur,
  • coexist,
  • coincide,
  • concur.

What is the opposite of synchronized?

Asynchronous is the opposite of synchronous, which means happening at the same time.

What is another name of synchronization?

Synchronization Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for synchronization?

clash concurrence
synchronicity synchronisationUK
concurrency coordination
simultaneity simultaneousness
coincidence conflict

What is the antonym of synchronized?

Antonyms: desynchronization, desynchronizing, desynchronisation, asynchrony, asynchronism. Synonyms: synchronising, synchronism, synchronisation, synchroneity, synchrony, synchronicity, synchronizing.

What’s another word for planetarium?


Is Contemporised a word?

verb (used with object), con·tem·po·rized, con·tem·po·riz·ing. to place in or regard as belonging to the same age or time. to give a modern or contemporary character or setting to; update: The new production of Romeo and Juliet contemporizes it as the love of two modern teenagers in a Chicago high school.

What does concur mean?

intransitive verb. 1a : to express agreement concur with an opinion. b : approve concur in a statement. 2 : to act together to a common end or single effect.

Does concur mean?

verb (used without object), con·curred, con·cur·ring. to accord in opinion; agree: Do you concur with his statement? to cooperate; work together; combine; be associated: Members of both parties concurred. to coincide; occur at the same time: His graduation concurred with his birthday.

Is concur the same as Agree?

The difference between Agree and Concur. When used as verbs, agree means to harmonize in opinion, statement, or action, whereas concur means to unite or agree (in action or opinion). To harmonize in opinion, statement, or action; to be in unison or concord; to be or become united or consistent; to concur.

Can I say I concur?

To concur is to agree or approve of something. If someone says something you agree with, you can say “I concur!” Like many words with con, concur has to do with agreement and being together.

What’s the opposite of concur?

concur. Antonyms: diverge, radiate, disagree, dissent, part, differ. Synonyms: approve, acquiesce, assent, coincide, meet, converge, concentrate, agree.

What is the meaning of disagree?

intransitive verb. 1 : to fail to agree the two accounts disagree. 2 : to differ in opinion he disagreed with me on every topic. 3 : to cause discomfort or distress fried foods disagree with me.

What does the word concur mean in legal terms?

To agree; coincide; act together. To concur is to evidence consent in an affirmative or concrete manner as opposed to merely acquiescing or silently submitting to a decision.

What does conquering mean?

1 : to gain or acquire by force of arms : subjugate conquer territory. 2 : to overcome by force of arms : vanquish conquered the enemy. 3 : to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition conquered the mountain.

What does concour mean?

: a public competition : contest.

Is it concur to or concur with?

Concur in is followed by the decision or the agreement. Concur with is followed by the person sharing a decision or agreement.

Do you concur doctor?

“Do you concur, Doctor?” is a phrase Sherlock Holmes says to his companion Dr. Watson. Robert Downey Jr. has played Holmes in two movies while Cumberbatch currently stars in the same role on the popular BBC series. In “Infinity War,” it appears Stark is the Sherlock to Strange’s Watson.

Is concur an English word?

Meaning of concur in English. to agree or have the same opinion: The new report concurs with previous findings.

What does mellowed mean?

mellow verb (BECOME RELAXED) [ I or T ] to become more relaxed: She used to be very impatient, but she’s mellowed over time. The years have mellowed her.

Who is a mellow person?

1. Mellow defines someone or something that is calm, smooth and free from harshness. A person who is calm and peaceful and doesn’t get upset easily is an example of a person who is mellow. Coffee that has a smooth, calm flavor and that isn’t harsh is an example of coffee that would be described as mellow.