What does the duke want in my last Duchess?

What does the duke want in my last Duchess?

The Duke probably wants to do two things: show off his acquisitions (what he considers his late wife), considering he is especially proud of them. But more importantly, he wants to send a covert message to his new “acquisition”, the new Duchess.

Why was the Duke dissatisfied with his last duchess?

Ans- The Duke was dissatisfied with his last Duchess because he thought that she was not completed focused on him and was flirting with other people. The Duchess would smile at other people but the Duke wanted complete control and was jealous when the Duchess was friendly towards other people.

How is the Duke controlling in My Last Duchess?

In “My Last Duchess,” the power held by the Duke over his late wife is presented as absolute. His control of her is so extreme that even though she has died, he controls who may view her painting. He also describes that through his “commands” alone, he was able to put an end to her smiles and, by implication, her life.

What is the purpose of My Last Duchess?

The purpose of the monologue is to not to disclose the poet’s own ideas but the thoughts of the lead character in the poem. (Christopher Baldick 1) . In the process, personality of the main character is revealed by the poet. In “My Last Duchess,” the duke is speaking to a aristocrat of a wealthy count.

What is the main conflict in My Last Duchess?

“My Last Duchess” dramatizes the internal conflict of the speaker, the Duke of Ferrara. He is conflicted with the faults of his last wife, and the desire for change in the upcoming marriage to his new fiancee. Ultimately, the struggle deals with power and jealousy.

Where did the Duchess ride the white mule?

Three things the duke cites as drawing the duchess’s attention are aspects of nature: “The dropping of the daylight in the West. / The bough of cherries the white mule / She rode with round the terrace.” The duchess’s attention was given to the sunset, fruit, and a mule, and all three brought her the same joy.

Who is speaking in My Last Duchess?


When was the last duchess written?


Was the Duke responsible for his first wife’s death?

In the poem “My Last Duchess” the Duke of Ferrara has killed his wife because he believes that she has been unfaithful to him. This leaves us with only the Duke’s reasoning as to why he would kill his wife: simply because she didn’t obey him as he demanded of his Duchess.

Who killed the Duchess?

This experience leads Bosola to turn against the brothers, and he decides to take up the cause of “revenge for the Duchess of Malfi” (5.2). The Cardinal confesses his part in the killing of the Duchess to his mistress, Julia, then murders her with a poisoned Bible.