What does the image of sofa springs in line 11 represent?

What does the image of sofa springs in line 11 represent?

the war has caused many deaths. What does the image of “sofa springs” in line 11 represent? the toll that war takes on the lives of ordinary people. to startle the readers with a reminder of those who didn’t survive the war.

What does the grass symbolize in the end and the beginning?

The symbol of grass, introduced in the last stanza, symbolizes new life and a sense of hope and rebirth. Since it is described as covering up the causes and effects, we say that the hope and new life with peace tramps the violence,cruelty, and all of war’s consequences.

What is the tone of the end and the beginning?

The poem and the poet’s life directly correlate, so it makes sense that the speaker of the poem views the subject of war and its consequences as harmful and depressing. This makes the tone of the poem incredibly melancholy and dark.

What does the end is the beginning mean?

T.S. Eliot said, “The end is in the beginning.” The beginning of any entertaining and well-crafted story tells as much about where we are headed as to where we will be at the end. This means that until you write the end you will not truly know the beginning.

What do you notice about the beginning and the ending of the poem?

What do you notice about the beginning and the ending of the poem? Answer: The first line of the poem is, “The laburnum top is silent, and the’ last line is, “And the laburnum subsides to empty”. The entire activity of goldfinch is responsible for the laburnum tree to become vibrant.

What do u like most about the poem?

Answer. Laburnum top is one of the most powerful poems, here laburnum tree symbolizes the hardships of human life. I like its simplicity and the pictorial presentation of the poem, also the way the writer describes the wildlife, trees, birds and animals and their influence on human life is quite impressive.

What does the ending of the poem suggest?

Robert Frost’s Fire and Ice Interpretation Analysis and Technique The poem says the world will end with fire and at the same time with ice. The narrator states that he has tested desire and stood with those who favor fire. He sees an ice as a great destruction just like fire.

What is the similarity between the beginning and the ending of the poem explain?

Answer: The thing similar in the beginning and the ending of the poem is that the Laburnum tree is still and silent on both occasions. the comparison is that the goldfinch’s movement is sudden and abrupt, which is quite similar to the movement of a lizard. Question 3.

Why does the poet use the word engine?

a)Why has the word ‘engine’ been used to describe her family? The word ‘engine’ has been used to describe her family. The engine of the machine starts up and there is noise, movement and energy signifying the excitement at the arrival of mother.

How is the mountain described in the poem?

Explanation: In this poem, a squirrel and a mountain have a quarrel because the mountain feels as though it is more important. Each person has his or her own individual talents, and everyone/everything has its purpose in this world, none greater or less than another.

Why has the goldfinch been compared to a lizard?

Answer: The movement of the bird is compared to that of a lizard. A lizard moves in a sleek and smooth manner, reflecting a lot of dexterity in its alertness and quickness of movement. Similarly, the entry of the goldfinch into the thickness of the tree is ‘sleek’, ‘alert’ and ‘abrupt’.

What is the goldfinch compared to?

The Goldfinch in the poem has been compared to a lizard that is always alert from all the dangers. This comparison is made to show the movement of Goldfinch when it enters and comes out of Laburnum Tree.

What has been compared to the engine?

Answer. Explanation: The goldfinch has been compared to engine because the tree is like a machine which starts up as the goldfinch alights on the tree to feed it’s family.

What is the movement of the goldfinch compared to?

The goldfinch’s movement is compared to that of a lizard. The basis of the comparison is the sleek abrupt and alert movements of a lizard. The same kinds of movements are observed when the goldfinch arrives on the laburnum tree.

What happens to the tree after the goldfinch flies away?

After the bird flies away the laburnum tree becomes absolutely quiet – as if there is no creature living in it.

What is the cooing of birds compared to?

Answer. Answer: the cooing of birds is compared to the tinkling song of bracelets.

What is the bird’s movement compared to?

How was the tree in the end when the bird flew away?

Answer. The tree which was earlier silent has become active, noisy and full of life, as the goldfinch has come to feed her young ones. when the bird fly away than the tree was again silent and they have no movement .

How does the poet describe the beauty of the goldfinch?

Answer: The yellow colour of Goldfinch bird represents beauty in the poem. The bird is yellow, the sunlight is yellow, and the flowers of the tree are also yellow. The dead silence prevailed in the tree, but as soon as Goldfinch arrives to meet her kids, the tree becomes alive.

What do you call that something as accepted as a basis for comparison?

noun. something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model. an object that is regarded as the usual or most common size or form of its kind: We stock the deluxe models as well as the standards.

What is used as a basis of comparison or established criterion?

Answer. Explanation: Criteria is the plural form of criterion. It is used when referring to more than one criterion.

What is the basis for comparison in an experiment?

An experiment is based on the comparison between a “control group” with an “experimental group”. a) These two groups are identical except for one factor. b) The control group serves as the comparison. It is the same as the experiment group, except that the one variable that is being tested is removed.

Is a solution of salt and water Brainly?

Answer: Explanation:Salt and water is both a solution and a mixture. Therefore, it is a solution. It is also a mixture because the components can be separated by mechanical means, distillation.

What is the solution of salt and water called?

In a NaCl solution (salt-water), the solvent is water. A solute is the component in a solution in the lesser amount. In a NaCl solution, the salt is the solute.

What type of solution is the salt water?

Ocean water is the type of mixture called a solution, because the salt is dissolved in the water. Water is the solvent, and sodium chloride is the solute. Water dissolves salt when water molecules attract and pull apart the sodium and chloride ions in salt crystals.

What is it called when a solute dissolves in a solvent?

Solubility is a property referring to the ability for a given substance, the solute, to dissolve in a solvent. It is measured in terms of the maximum amount of solute dissolved in a solvent at equilibrium. The resulting solution is called a saturated solution.

Does dissolving increase volume?

Do dissolved substances in a solution affect the density or volume of it? Yes, but not always the same. The new dissolves atoms still need some space in the liquid, and most of the time this means that the volume increases.

the war has caused many deaths. What does the image of “sofa springs” in line 11 represent? to startle the readers with a reminder of those who didn’t survive the war.

What does green grass mean in the Bible?

Most biblical scholars agree that one of the primary meanings behind green in the Bible is immortality. The waters of Nimrim are dried up. and the grass is withered; the vegetation is gone. and nothing green is left.

What does the speaker mean when she describes someone as being stretched out blade of grass in his mouth gazing at the clouds?

The last stanza reads , “In the grass that has overgrown / cause and effects, / someone must be stretched out / blade of grass in his mouth / gazing at the clouds.” (43-47) The grass in this stanza symbolizes the memories of the town’s people. It has overgrown the scarred landscape, leaving it forgotten.

When was the end and the beginning written?

The poem revolves around the physical and mental stress citizens must go through after a war. Wislawa Szymborska lived through WWII and, inevitably, she was well aware of the causes and effects of war. Although WWII ended in 1945, Wislawa published this poem in 1993.