What does the raft symbolize in Huckleberry Finn?

What does the raft symbolize in Huckleberry Finn?

The raft, which serves as Huck and Jim’s transportation down the Mississippi River, symbolizes freedom from the rules of society. When they are on the raft, Huck and Jim are free to act as they see fit.

What do Jim and Huck have in common?

Huck and Jim are both looking for freedom. Both have run away, and both have common sense. Both are superstitious, though Huck is a little less so than Jim. Jim is much older than Huck, almost a father-like figure, giving him advice and trying to keep him from harm.

What is the meaning of superstition?

A superstition is a belief or practice typically resulting from ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality, a belief in fate or magic, perceived supernatural influence, or fear of that which is unknown.

What was Mark Twain’s religion?

Twain’s skepticism about religion lasted all of his life. He had a personal faith — he said he believed in God, attended church and donated money for the construction of a church. But he skewered religious hypocrisy wherever he found it.

What was the purpose of the Anti Imperialist League?

The American Anti-Imperialist League was founded with the object of preventing the Spanish American War “from being perverted into a war for colonial spoils” (Welch 43). Throughout the history of the League its essential goal was to protest against imperialism overseas.

What does it mean to be anti imperialist?

People who categorize themselves as anti-imperialists often state that they are opposed to colonialism, colonial empires, hegemony, imperialism and the territorial expansion of a country beyond its established borders. …

Who was part of the Anti Imperialist League?

It included among its members such notables as Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, William James, David Starr Jordan, and Samuel Gompers with George S. Boutwell, former secretary of the Treasury and Massachusetts, as its president.

What were the arguments against annexing the Philippines?

The leagues presented five major arguments against annexation. First, they stated that annexing a territory with no plans for statehood was unprecedented and unconstitutional. Second, they believed that to occupy and govern a foreign people without their consent violated the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.

What did the US gain from annexing the Philippines?

The Americans took possession of Manila on August 13, 1898. The Treaty of Paris was signed on December 10, 1898. By the Treaty, Cuba gained its independence and Spain ceded the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States for the sum of US$20 million.

Who opposed the annexation of the Philippines?

William Jennings Bryan

Why did the Philippines rebel against the US?

While the Filipinos believed that a U.S. defeat of Spain would lead to a free Philippines, the U.S. refused to recognize the new government. Outraged by the betrayal, the Philippine republic declared war on the United States.