What does the word spread mean?

What does the word spread mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to open or expand over a larger area spread out the map. b : to stretch out : extend spread its wings for flight. 2a : to distribute over an area spread fertilizer. b : to distribute over a period or among a group spread the work over a few weeks.

Is spread correct English?

To summarize, Spread is the correct past tense. Spreaded is a spelling error.

Is Spread a doing word?

verb (used without object), spread, spread·ing.

What is spread in science?

To propagate; to cause to affect great numbers; as, to spread a disease. 5. To diffuse, as emanations or effluvia; to emit; as, odouriferous plants spread their fragrance. 6. To strew; to scatter over a surface; as, to spread manure; to spread lime on the ground.

What are spreads in food?

A spread is a food that is literally spread, generally with a knife, onto food items such as bread or crackers. Spreads are added to food to enhance the flavor or texture of the food, which may be considered bland without it.

What is the best synonyms for share?


  • divide.
  • divvy.
  • divvy up.
  • lot.
  • measure out.
  • mete.
  • ration.
  • share.

What is called sharing?

Sharing is the joint use of a resource or space. It is also the process of dividing and distributing. Still more loosely, “sharing” can actually mean giving something as an outright gift: for example, to “share” one’s food really means to give some of it as a gift.

How do you describe someone who shares?

A sharing person is generous and willing to share. If you are sharing, you are glad to give things away to others. A sharing person might try to divide up not just the cake, but also all the food in his refrigerator — just to be sure everyone is fed.

What do you call someone that believes everything?

Credulous comes from the 16th-century Latin credulus, or “easily believes.” A synonym for credulous is gullible, and both terms describe a person who accepts something willingly without a lot of supporting facts. Calling someone credulous can imply that the person is naive and simple.

What do you call a person who asks for money?

5. The definition of a beggar is a person who asks people for money or gifts to sustain himself, or is a person who is extremely poor. An example of a beggar is someone who stands on the street corner with a sign asking for money. An example of a beggar is a homeless person.

What do you call an unselfish person?

When you’re being selfless, you’re thinking of other people before yourself. Selfless is the opposite of selfish. If you’re selfless, you think less about your self, and more about others — you’re generous and kind.

What do you call someone that puts others first?

altruistic Add to list Share. Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. This word comes from the Old French altruistic and means “other people” and before that the Latin alter, which means “other.” Our current word comes from the nineteenth century and comes from philosophy.

Is altruism morally right?

As consequentialist ethics Altruism is often seen as a form of consequentialism, as it indicates that an action is ethically right if it brings good consequences to others.

What are altruistic people like?

Altruism is characterized by selflessness and concern for the well-being of others. Those who possess this quality typically put others first and truly care about the people around them, whether they have a personal tie to them or not.

Is effective altruism a good thing?

Effective altruism focuses on improving lives (including those of humans, nonhuman animals, and people in future generations). Most people would agree that, all else being equal, it’s good to reduce suffering and increase well-being.

Will Crouch 80000 hours?

MacAskill is also the co-founder and president of 80,000 Hours, the co-founder and vice-president of Giving What We Can, and the co-founder of the Centre for Effective Altruism. He is the author of the 2015 book Doing Good Better: Effective Altruism and a Radical New Way to Make a Difference.

Can Givewell be trusted?

There is not a consensus that Givewell charities are the best, though there is a consensus that they are the best at short-term improvement of humans’ lives. In the first case, people frequently donate to organizations recommended by Animal Charity Evaluators.

Is Give Well good?

Most of my surprise would have been alleviated if, rather than ranking them #2, they gave them a conditional recommendation: “If you have such-and-such moral view, then GiveDirectly is an excellent option.” Indeed, there are many reasonable views based on which giving to GiveDirectly could be the best option.