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What does toppled mean?

What does toppled mean?

intransitive verb. : to fall from or as if from being top-heavy. transitive verb. 1 : to cause to topple.

What is a synonym for toppled?

fall, tumble, overturn, overbalance, tip, keel, drop, pitch, plunge, capsize, collapse, founder, plummet, dive, lose one’s balance, go head over heels. 2’protesters toppled a huge statue’ SYNONYMS. knock over, knock down, upset, push over, tip over, upend, capsize.

What is the opposite of Topple?

Antonyms for topple. get up, rise, stand (up), uprise.

What tumble means?

intransitive verb. 1a : to fall suddenly and helplessly. b : to suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat. c : to decline suddenly and sharply (as in price) : drop the stock market tumbled. d : to fall into ruin : collapse.

What does overbalance mean?

verb (used with object), o·ver·bal·anced, o·ver·bal·anc·ing. to outweigh: The opportunity overbalances the disadvantages of leaving town. to cause to lose balance or to fall or turn over: He accidentally overbalanced a vase.

What does turn turtle mean?

Capsize, turn upside down, as in When they collided, the car turned turtle. This expression alludes to the helplessness of a turtle turned on its back, where its shell can no longer protect it. [

What means overthrow?

transitive verb. 1 : overturn, upset. 2 : to cause the downfall of : bring down, defeat. 3 : to throw a ball over or past (something or someone, such as a base or a receiver)

What does fall over mean?

verb (intr, adverb) to lose one’s balance and collapse to the ground. to fall from an upright positionthe vase fell over. fall over oneself to do everything within one’s powerhe fell over himself to be as helpful as possible.

How do you fall over someone?

Fig. to give a lot of attention, affection, or praise to someone.

How can I get Dua to answer quickly?

10 proven tips to get your duas answered.

  1. Make Dua for others.
  2. Ask people to make dua for you.
  3. Make lot of duas and many times during the day.
  4. Ask Allah first.
  5. Do a good deed.
  6. Give up a sin.
  7. Give thanks.
  8. If you want increase in rizq, recite authentic duas before and after every meal.

Which is the most powerful Surah?

Ayat al-Kursi is regarded as the greatest verse of Quran according to hadith. The verse is regarded as one of the most powerful in the Quran because when it is recited, the greatness of God is believed to be confirmed.

Which Surah will be recited on the day of Judgement?


Which Surah is mother of Quran?

It is also called Umm Al-Kitab (“the Mother of the Book”) and Umm Al-Quran (“the Mother of the Quran”); Sab’a al Mathani (“Seven repeated [verses]”, an appellation taken from verse 15:87 of the Quran); Al-Hamd (“praise”), because a hadith narrates Muhammad as having said that GOD says: “The prayer [al-Fātiḥah] is …

Which Surah is called Beauty of Quran?

Ar-Rahman (Arabic: الرحمان‎, ar-raḥmān; meaning: The Merciful) is the 55th Chapter (Surah) of the Qur’an with 78 verses (āyāt).

Which Surah is called father of Quran?

Yusuf (surah)

يُوسُف Yusuf Joseph
Position Juzʼ 12 to 13
No. of verses 111
Opening muqaṭṭaʻāt ʾAlif Lām Rā الر
Quran 13 →

What is the most beautiful verse in Quran?

The most beautiful verse in the Quran I think is 39:53, Say, “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.”

What are the names of Quran?

This article is an attempt to present an overview and description of five such frequently used names of the Quran, which include- Al-Quran, Al-Furqan, Al-Dhikr, Al-Kitab and Al-Tanzil (Mufti Taqi Uthmani, Uloom ul Quran, p. 25).

Who was the first female Hafiz of Quran?

Umal Mumneen Hafsah bint-e-Umar

Who is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran?


Who is mentioned most in Quran?


  • Adam, the first human (25 times)
  • Elisha (al-yasa) 38:48, 6:85-87.
  • Job (ayyūb)
  • David (dāwūd)
  • Ezekiel (dhūl-kifl) (2 times)
  • Aaron (hārūn) (24 times)
  • Eber (hūd) (25 times)
  • Enoch (idrīs)

How many Rasool are in Islam?

Muslim Scholars say 313 Rasul had been send by Allah to spread His new Sharia. In Holly Qaran 25 Rasul names are Mentioned.