What does which mannerly devotion shows in this mean?

What does which mannerly devotion shows in this mean?

What does Juliet mean by “mannerly devotion”? ? Juliet means that Romeo’s devotion is polite, or proper. At their first meeting, he makes the comparison, or metaphor, of Juliet to a holy shrine; his “pilgrim” lips stand ready to smooth the rough touch of his hand.

What does Juliet mean by good pilgrim?

The line “good pilgrim, you do wrong your hands too much” is Juliet meaning that Romeo doesn’t give himself enough credit. The line “for saints have hands that pilgrims hands do touch” means that Romeos hands are holy and are worthy enough to touch the statues of saints hands.

For what reasons does Romeo claim that he has profane Juliet’s hand?

For what reasons does Romeo claim that he has “profane[d]” Juliet’s hand? Romeo claims that he has taken Juliet’s hand so that he may kiss it: he wants to “smooth that rough touch” of his hand “with a tender kiss” (line 95).

Why does Juliet refer to Romeo as a pilgrim?

Juliet refines Romeo’s metaphors from earlier in the play calling Romeo a “Iglood pilgrim” (line 96). She plays on Romeo’s religious metaphors by pointing out that “saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch” (line 98), to suggest that she is happy for their hands to touch.

What is Romeo trying to convince Juliet to do?

In a dialogue laced with religious metaphors that figure Juliet as a saint and Romeo as a pilgrim who wishes to erase his sin, he tries to convince her to kiss him, since it is only through her kiss that he might be absolved. Juliet agrees to remain still as Romeo kisses her.

What does Juliet say and do that embarrasses her?

Juliet says, “Deny thy father and refuse thy name! / Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, / And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” This, in a nutshell, is what Juliet is saying here: refuse your name of Montague, Romeo, or I will refuse my name of Capulet; in this way, we can become lovers.

Is Romeo still in love with Rosaline?

From this reference, it becomes clear that Romeo is in love with a woman named Rosaline, and that she, like Juliet, is a Capulet. And although Rosaline never appears onstage, she nevertheless plays an important role, since her rejection of Romeo ultimately leads him to his first, fateful encounter with Juliet.

What did Juliet do when she woke up?

Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead. She then kills herself with Romeo’s dagger.

What does Mercutio say when he dies?

Before he dies, Mercutio curses both the Montagues and Capulets, crying several times, “A plague o’ both your houses!” (Act III, Sc. 1, often quoted as “A pox on both your houses”).