What does worthlessness mean?

What does worthlessness mean?

Worthlessness can be described as a feeling of desperation and hopelessness. Individuals who feel worthless may feel insignificant, useless, or believe they have nothing valuable to offer the world.

What is a good sentence for variable?

Examples of variable in a Sentence Adjective The winds were light and variable. The loan has a variable interest rate.

What is the root word for worthless?

The adjective worthless is at the root of worthlessness, with its meaning of “without value.” Both words come from the Old English weorþ, “significant, of value, or appreciated.”

What is the opposite meaning of worthless?

worthless. Antonyms: costly, rich, rare, valuable, worthy, useful, honorable, estimable, excellent, noble, precious, admirable, virtuous. Synonyms: cheap, vile, valueless, useless, base, contemptible, despicable, reprobate, vicious.

What’s the opposite of worthless?

What is the opposite of worthless?

useful valuable
beneficial helpful
meaningful worthful
upright deserving
virtuous decent

What is tawdry mean?

tawdry • \TAW-dree\ • adjective. : cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality; also : ignoble.

What does nugatory mean?

1 : of little or no consequence : trifling, inconsequential comments too nugatory to merit attention. 2 : having no force : inoperative The law was unenforced and thus rendered nugatory.

What is the synonyms of nugatory?

Frequently Asked Questions About nugatory Some common synonyms of nugatory are empty, hollow, idle, otiose, and vain. While all these words mean “being without worth or significance,” nugatory suggests triviality or insignificance.

What is the meaning of ersatz?

: being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation ersatz turf ersatz intellectuals.

How do you use inconsequential?

Inconsequential sentence example. Maybe she hadn’t thought of it because it seemed inconsequential at the time. On the way, Dean chatted about inconsequential things but pointedly asked about school. An inconsequential little voice said she should stop this because it was nothing more than lust on his part.

What is an example of capricious?

The definition of capricious is someone or something that is subject to sudden, unpredictable changes. An example of capricious is someone who decides they don’t want to go somewhere while already on the way. Characterized by, arising from, or subject to caprice; impulsive or unpredictable.

What would a capricious person do?

Capricious is an adjective to describe a person or thing that’s impulsive and unpredictable, like a bride who suddenly leaves her groom standing at the wedding altar. A scared person makes sudden starts this way and that, just as a capricious person does.

What do you call a sudden change?

other words for sudden change break with the past. conversion. marked transformation. metamorphosis. quantum leap.

What’s a word for constantly changing?

What is another word for constantly changing?

ever-changing continuously changing
ever-shifting changeable
erratic fluctuating
capricious mercurial
quicksilver unstable

What is a fancy word for change?

SYNONYMS FOR change 1 transmute, transform; vary, mutate; amend, modify. 3 replace, swap.

What do you call someone who needs change?

Someone who embraces change is a panhandler. –

What do you call someone who does not like change?

When a person is inexorable, they’re stubborn. An inexorable person is hard-headed and cannot be convinced to change their mind, no matter what. You can also say that a process, like the progress of a deadly illness, is inexorable because it can’t be stopped.

What type of person likes change?

In the workplace, a person who likes change is often excited about new procedures, projects, and people. In fact, they may suggest changes and improvements themselves. Change-loving people seek out new challenges and adventures. If nothing new is going on, they may feel stagnant or restless.