What excuse do the conspirators use to get close to Caesar?

What excuse do the conspirators use to get close to Caesar?

What excuse do the conspirators use to approach Caesar at the Capitol in Act III, Scene i? They ask that the banished brother of Metellus Cimber be brought back to Rome.

Why do the conspirators ask Caesar to pardon Publius Cimber in Act III of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar?

Why do the conspirators ask Caesar to pardon Publius Cimber in Act III of the Tragedy of Julius Caesar? They want to divert Caesar’s attention from the assassination. When Anthony delivers a dramatic speech over Caesar’s body, he is alone onstage. He contrasts Caesar’s deeds with the reasons for the assassination.

What happens in the first act of Julius Caesar?

The play opens on a crowded and noisy street in Rome as Julius Caesar returns from battle, where he stomped Pompey’s sons into the ground. The pair asks about the commoners’ professions and what they’re up to and finds out that they’re on the way to celebrate and honor Julius Caesar.

Where do the conspirators meet in Julius Caesar?

The three conspirators, now firmly united in an attempt to unseat Caesar, agree to meet with others of their party — Decius Brutus, Trebonius, and Metellus Cimber — at Pompey’s Porch. They are confident that they will soon win Brutus to their cause.

What warning did Brutus give to Antony before he allowed him to speak to the crowd?

Brutus instructs Antony to speak well of the conspirators: “You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, / But speak all good you can devise of Caesar, / And say you do ‘t by our permission.” Cassius strongly objects to this plan, pointing out that there’s no way to know “how much the people may be moved / By that …

Why is Brutus first letter awake?

Why does the first Letter instruct Brutus to “Awake”? It accuses him of being asleep while Rome is falling to Caesar. It’s telling him to awake and make things right. Cassius suggests that they should kill mark Antony as well as Caesar because he is so loyal to Caesar.

What tone does Portia use when speaking to Brutus?

emotional tone

Why is Portia concerned about Brutus?

Portia appeals to Brutus. In this scene, Portia is worried that her husband Brutus is out of bed and comes to find him. She has noticed a change in his behaviour and wants to know what is worrying him as it is stopping him from eating, talking or sleeping. She has also seen the masked conspirators visiting the house.

What does Portia want from Brutus?

He wants to protect Rome from Caesar’s ambition but doesn’t want to see Caesar killed. In Act Two, Scene One Brutus is pacing in his garden after speaking with the conspirators. His wife Portia comes out to speak with him. She asks him what is wrong but he does not want to tell her.