What happened to Harrison in Harrison Bergeron?

What happened to Harrison in Harrison Bergeron?

Harrison is shot by the Handicapper General with a double-barreled ten-gauge shotgun. The author describes how Harrison and the ballerina are dead before they hit the ground. George and Hazel watch this, but they forget about it right after they see it. What happens to Harrison Bergeron?

What does Harrison represent in Harrison Bergeron?

Harrison represents the spark of defiance and individuality that still exists in some Americans. He has none of the cowardice and passivity that characterize nearly everyone else in the story. Rather, he is an exaggerated alpha male, a towering, brave, breathtakingly strong man who hungers for power.

Why was Harrison Bergeron a threat to society?

Why is he considered a threat to society? He is considered a threat because he is not considered equal to all, so he is given handicaps for to be like the average person.

Why do Hazel and George show very little emotion about their son’s death?

When Hazel and George’s son rebels on TV, he is killed. Although the parents are watching, they are unable to show any emotion. This is because their handicaps prevent them from maintaining focus on one idea.

What does Hazel represent in Harrison Bergeron?

Hazel Bergeron is the mother of Harrison Bergeron and the wife of George Bergeron. Unlike her husband and son, Hazel is described as having “perfectly average” strength and intelligence (she is unable to “think about anything except in short bursts”), so she is not subjected to any mental or physical handicaps.

Who is Diana Moon Glampers?

Diana Moon Glampers The Handicapper General of the United States. Diana Moon Glampers is in charge of dumbing down and disabling those who are above average. It is her minions who enforce the handicap laws and create new hindrances for superior beings such as Harrison.

Does Diana Moon Glampers have any handicaps?

Hazel Bergeron is Harrison’s mother, a “normal” person with no handicaps. Diana Moon Glampers is the Handicapper General, an oppressive figure who ensures equality through draconian means.

What does the ending of Harrison Bergeron mean?

The last lines offer no chance for the redemption of George and Hazel Bergeron’s society. After the Handicapper General shoots the Emperor and Empress, neither George nor his dull wife realizes that their son Harrison has just been killed because their television tube has burned out.

How does Harrison removing his handicaps?

He takes off his handicaps and acts violently towards the audience, reaffirming their belief that the handicaps are good. He dances without his handicaps and is shot by the Handicapper General, exposing the government to the people and sparking distrust in them.