What inference can be made about Benvolio and Tybalt from this dialogue Benvolio and Tybalt are both worried about disturbing the peace?

What inference can be made about Benvolio and Tybalt from this dialogue Benvolio and Tybalt are both worried about disturbing the peace?

What inference can be made about Benvolio and Tybalt from this dialogue? Benvolio and Tybalt are both worried about disturbing the peace. Benvolio is more concerned with keeping the peace than Tybalt is. Benvolio is a much more skilled swordsman than Tybalt is.

What causes the servants to ask for Romeo’s help?

The servant asks for Romeo’s help because he cannot read. He is given a list with a set of names written in it. It is the servant’s duty to invite them for the party that has been organized. However, as he cannot read, the servant wants Romeo’s assistance to read out the name of the guests in the list to him.

What order does Capulet give a servant?

What order does Capulet give a servant? Capulet orders his servant to invite people to the party. How is this an opportunity for comedy? Servant can’t read the list he has been given — this is comedy because the audience would have found it humorous that the servant was asked to do something he didn’t know how to do.

Why does Capulet want Juliet to get married so soon?

According to Paris, what is the reason Capulet wants Juliet to marry so quickly? To stop her from being so sad by forcing her to spend time with others. Also he doesn’t want peoople to think Juliet is weird because she spent an unusual amount of time mourning for the death of Tybalt.

Why does Juliet fear Friar Lawrence might betray her?

How does Juliet surprise her parents? Why does Juliet think Friar Lawrence might betray her? To hide his role in her marriage. Whose ghost does Juliet see before drinking the potion?

When Juliet returns from Friar Lawrence’s what does she do to her father?

Juliet refuses her father’s wishes to marry Paris and decides she will commit suicide rather than betray Romeo. Friar Laurence advises Juliet to pretend to take poison and fake her death, allowing her to escape to Romeo.

What does Friar Laurence say will happen when Juliet awakens?

What does Friar Laurence say Romeo and Juliet will do after Juliet awakens? Go to Mantua together to live forever. Juliet promises her father that she will marry Paris, even though she knows that Romeo and herself have other plans.