What is a brief statement of the main idea and supporting details of a piece of writing?

What is a brief statement of the main idea and supporting details of a piece of writing?

—sometimes called an exemplification. essay—the outline should list the opinion (main idea), followed by the supporting details. Remember that if you are outlining a paragraph, the main idea is the topic sentence; whereas, in a longer passage the main idea is the thesis statement.

Is a brief statement of the main idea?

Topic Sentence; Statement of the main idea. It is the statement under which all other material in the paragraph – examples, reasons, facts, details and other evidence – can fit. Explanation: A topic sentence is a sentence that introduces a paragraph by presenting the one topic that will be the focus of that paragraph.

What is the main idea in a piece of writing?

The main idea in a piece of writing is a thesis, which is a particular viewpoint taken concerning a subject.

What is an implied sentence?

A subject is implied when it isn’t explicitly stated but is understood from context. Sometimes, however, sentences have an implied subject. Examples. Imperative: ( You ) call me later. Minor sentence: ( I will) talk to you tomorrow.

What is the difference between express and implied contract?

The difference between implied and express contract is essentially as follows: An express contract is one in which the terms and conditions are spelled out in the contract, either verbally or in writing. An implied contract is one in which the terms and conditions are inferred by the actions of the parties involved.

What are the 4 elements of contract?

There are four elements of a contract, in order to have a valid contract, all four must be present:

  • Offer. This is the first step towards a contract.
  • Acceptance. The party to whom the offer was made must now agree to the terms of the original offer.
  • Consideration.
  • Capacity.

What is an implied contract in healthcare?

Implied contracts between physicians/patients are contracts that do not set a course of action or payment at the beginning of service. For example, a typical medical examination takes place at the patient’s request, either at the home of the patient or the medical facility where the doctor practices.

What are express implied terms?

The difference between express terms and implied terms Ideally, they will be written down in a contract between the parties but where the contract is agreed verbally, they will be the terms discussed and agreed between the parties. Implied terms are terms implied into the contract by the courts.