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What is a fancy word for smart?

What is a fancy word for smart?

good, wise, bold, brilliant, agile, shrewd, slick, nimble, bright, brainy, canny, astute, quick, sharp, crafty, resourceful, active, energetic, throb, ache.

Whats a big word that means smart?

Some common synonyms of intelligent are alert, clever, and quick-witted.

What is a smart word?

Smart Words is a site intended for all age groups of all regions to stimulate your intellect and to improve your communication skills with advanced vocabulary. It is sorted by categories, like synonyms (or “Words for”), linking and connecting words, smart quotes, etc.

What does perspicacious mean in English?

: of acute mental vision or discernment : keen.

Is perspicacious a positive word?

The adjective perspicacious is a long word for a short definition: “keen” or “shrewd.” This word is descended from the Latin word perspicere, which means “to look closely.” In other words, if you look closely at something you are paying attention to it and know it well.

What does Percipience mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : one that perceives. 2 : a person on whose mind a telepathic impulse or message is held to fall.

What does Incognizance mean?

Synonyms & Antonyms of incognizance the state of being unaware or uninformed. your complete incognizance of the inflammatory effect of such language is amazing.

Is Incognizantly a word?

adj. Lacking knowledge or awareness; unaware: incognizant of the new political situation. in·cog′ni·zance (-zəns) n.

What is another word for oblivious?

In this page you can discover 52 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for oblivious, like: unaware, forgetful, unmindful, disregardful, inattentive, concerned, attentive, understanding, unconscious, blind and unrecognizing.

What does Oblivious mean?

1 : lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention. 2 : lacking active conscious knowledge or awareness —usually used with of or to.

Is oblivious a bad word?

It can also mean being forgetful and absent-minded. The cartoon character Mr. Magoo is a perfect example of someone who is oblivious; his eyesight is so bad that he always gets himself into various scrapes and mishaps.

How do you use the word oblivious?

Oblivious sentence example

  1. She’s oblivious to everything.
  2. Could she possibly be oblivious to how beautiful she is?
  3. Oblivious to her danger, Jessi’s eyes dropped to her phone.
  4. She was oblivious to him observing her with unmitigated admiration.

What does ruefully mean?

1 : exciting pity or sympathy. 2 : mournful sense 1, regretful. More from Merriam-Webster on rueful. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for rueful.

What is a rueful smile?

Rueful means apologetic or remorseful. Rueful shows up a lot in descriptions of remorseful grins or apologetic smiles. If you’re sorry about something you’ve done but you can still laugh at yourself a little bit, you feel rueful. The word itself comes from the verb to rue, which means “to regret.”

What is the best meaning for the word ruefully?

adjective. causing sorrow or pity; pitiable; deplorable: a rueful plight. feeling, showing, or expressing sorrow, repentance, or regret: the rueful look on her face.

What does disheveled mean?

: marked by disorder or disarray disheveled hair.

How do you describe a disheveled person?

The definition of disheveled is someone or something that is untidy, messy or unkempt. A person who has his hair uncombed, his shirt untucked and stains on his shirt is an example of someone who would be described as disheveled. Disarranged and untidy; tousled; rumpled. Having disheveled hair or clothing.

What is another word for ruefully?

What is another word for ruefully?

bitterly regretfully
unhappily woefully
wretchedly dolefully
dolorously grievously
sorely wailfully

What exploit means?

(Entry 1 of 2) : deed, act especially : a notable, memorable, or heroic act a daring exploit a book about his youthful exploits I took out the list of Professor Challenger’s exploits, and I read it over under the electric lamp. —

Is exploit positive or negative?

Tips: Exploit is most commonly used in a negative manner to describe taking unfair advantage of someone. When used as a noun, exploit is more positive.

What is another word for exploit?

What is another word for exploit?

feat deed
stunt achievement
act adventure
enterprise escapade
accomplishment experience

Is exploitation a crime?

Under Penal Code 368 PC, California law defines the crime of elder abuse as physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of a victim who is 65 years of age or older. The offense can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or a felony, and is punishable by up to 4 years of jail or prison.

What are the types of exploitation?

Types of exploitation

  • Sexual exploitation. This is when someone is deceived, coerced or forced to take part in sexual activity.
  • Labour exploitation.
  • Domestic servitude.
  • Forced marriage.
  • Forced criminality.
  • Child soldiers.
  • Organ harvesting.

What are the signs of exploitation?

Signs of child sexual exploitation

  • Unhealthy or inappropriate sexual behaviour.
  • Being frightened of some people, places or situations.
  • Bring secretive.
  • Sharp changes in mood or character.
  • Having money or things they can’t or won’t explain.
  • Physical signs of abuse, like bruises or bleeding in their genital or anal area.

Which is an example of exploitation?

Taking advantage of someone’s need for a job and paying them only pennies to perform work so you can get rich is an example of exploitation. Utilization of another person or group for selfish purposes.

What are the two types of exploitation?

Types of exploitation

  • Domestic servitude. Domestic servitude involves carrying out household chores and often caring for the children of that household.
  • Forced labour.
  • Sex exploitation.
  • Enforced criminality.
  • Benefit fraud.

What is human exploitation?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to lure their victims and force them into labor or commercial sexual exploitation.

Why does exploitation happen?

Exploitation is sometimes viewed to occur when a necessary agent of production receives less wages than its marginal product. The primary concept is that there is exploitation towards a factor of production, if it receives less than its marginal product.

How can we prevent exploitation?

The most effective strategies for preventing abuse are those that promote positive roles and valued status for people with disability throughout the community.

  1. Community inclusion.
  2. Enhancing valued status.
  3. Raising awareness.
  4. Supporting families and carers.
  5. Creating safer services.
  6. Building a person’s confidence.

What is a fancy word for smart?

What is a fancy word for smart?

good, wise, bold, brilliant, agile, shrewd, slick, nimble, bright, brainy, canny, astute, quick, sharp, crafty, resourceful, active, energetic, throb, ache.

Whats a big word that means smart?

Some common synonyms of intelligent are alert, clever, and quick-witted.

What is a smart word?

Smart Words is a site intended for all age groups of all regions to stimulate your intellect and to improve your communication skills with advanced vocabulary. It is sorted by categories, like synonyms (or “Words for”), linking and connecting words, smart quotes, etc.

What does perspicacious mean in English?

: of acute mental vision or discernment : keen.

Is perspicacious a positive word?

The adjective perspicacious is a long word for a short definition: “keen” or “shrewd.” This word is descended from the Latin word perspicere, which means “to look closely.” In other words, if you look closely at something you are paying attention to it and know it well.

What does Percipience mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : one that perceives. 2 : a person on whose mind a telepathic impulse or message is held to fall.

What does Incognizance mean?

Synonyms & Antonyms of incognizance the state of being unaware or uninformed. your complete incognizance of the inflammatory effect of such language is amazing.

Is Incognizantly a word?

adj. Lacking knowledge or awareness; unaware: incognizant of the new political situation. in·cog′ni·zance (-zəns) n.

How do you use the word oblivious?

Oblivious sentence example

  1. She’s oblivious to everything.
  2. Could she possibly be oblivious to how beautiful she is?
  3. Oblivious to her danger, Jessi’s eyes dropped to her phone.
  4. She was oblivious to him observing her with unmitigated admiration.

What does ruefully mean?

1 : exciting pity or sympathy. 2 : mournful sense 1, regretful. More from Merriam-Webster on rueful. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for rueful.

What is a rueful smile?

Rueful means apologetic or remorseful. Rueful shows up a lot in descriptions of remorseful grins or apologetic smiles. If you’re sorry about something you’ve done but you can still laugh at yourself a little bit, you feel rueful. The word itself comes from the verb to rue, which means “to regret.”

What is the best meaning for the word ruefully?

adjective. causing sorrow or pity; pitiable; deplorable: a rueful plight. feeling, showing, or expressing sorrow, repentance, or regret: the rueful look on her face.

What is another word for ruefully?

What is another word for ruefully?

bitterly regretfully
unhappily woefully
wretchedly dolefully
dolorously grievously
sorely wailfully

Is exploit positive or negative?

Tips: Exploit is most commonly used in a negative manner to describe taking unfair advantage of someone. When used as a noun, exploit is more positive.

What is another word for exploit?

What is another word for exploit?

feat deed
stunt achievement
act adventure
enterprise escapade
accomplishment experience

Is exploitation a crime?

Under Penal Code 368 PC, California law defines the crime of elder abuse as physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of a victim who is 65 years of age or older. The offense can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor or a felony, and is punishable by up to 4 years of jail or prison.

What are the types of exploitation?

Types of exploitation

  • Sexual exploitation. This is when someone is deceived, coerced or forced to take part in sexual activity.
  • Labour exploitation.
  • Domestic servitude.
  • Forced marriage.
  • Forced criminality.
  • Child soldiers.
  • Organ harvesting.

What are the signs of exploitation?

Signs of child sexual exploitation

  • Unhealthy or inappropriate sexual behaviour.
  • Being frightened of some people, places or situations.
  • Bring secretive.
  • Sharp changes in mood or character.
  • Having money or things they can’t or won’t explain.
  • Physical signs of abuse, like bruises or bleeding in their genital or anal area.

Which is an example of exploitation?

Taking advantage of someone’s need for a job and paying them only pennies to perform work so you can get rich is an example of exploitation. Utilization of another person or group for selfish purposes.

What are the two types of exploitation?

Types of exploitation

  • Domestic servitude. Domestic servitude involves carrying out household chores and often caring for the children of that household.
  • Forced labour.
  • Sex exploitation.
  • Enforced criminality.
  • Benefit fraud.

What is human exploitation?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to lure their victims and force them into labor or commercial sexual exploitation.

Why does exploitation happen?

Exploitation is sometimes viewed to occur when a necessary agent of production receives less wages than its marginal product. The primary concept is that there is exploitation towards a factor of production, if it receives less than its marginal product.

How can we prevent exploitation?

The most effective strategies for preventing abuse are those that promote positive roles and valued status for people with disability throughout the community.

  1. Community inclusion.
  2. Enhancing valued status.
  3. Raising awareness.
  4. Supporting families and carers.
  5. Creating safer services.
  6. Building a person’s confidence.