What is a nephroblastoma?

What is a nephroblastoma?

Also known as nephroblastoma, it’s the most common cancer of the kidneys in children. Wilms’ tumor most often affects children ages 3 to 4 and becomes much less common after age 5. Wilms’ tumor most often occurs in just one kidney, though it can sometimes be found in both kidneys at the same time.

Is nephroblastoma benign or malignant?

It can also be called a nephroblastoma. A Wilms tumor is always cancerous and is the most common type of kidney cancer diagnosed in children. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body.

What is Wilms tumor prognosis?

The overall prognosis of Wilms Tumor is usually quite positive with more than 80% of all children diagnosed expecting to survive the disease long-term. With a timely diagnosis before the tumor has metastasized to other parts of the body the cure rate is even higher at 90% with standard treatment.

Is nephroblastoma curable?

Wilms tumor is a rare kidney cancer that is highly treatable. Most kids with Wilms tumor survive and go on to live normal, healthy lives. Also known as nephroblastoma, Wilms tumor can affect both kidneys, but usually develops in just one.

What is Nephroblastoma treatment?

Treatment for Wilms’ tumor usually involves surgery and chemotherapy, and sometimes radiation therapy. Treatments may vary by the stage of the cancer.

What are the symptoms of Nephroblastoma?

What are the signs and symptoms of Wilms’ tumor?

  • constipation.
  • abdominal pain, swelling, or discomfort.
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • weakness and fatigue.
  • loss of appetite.
  • fever.
  • blood in their urine or discoloration of their urine.
  • high blood pressure, which may cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and headaches.

What is the survival rate of Nephroblastoma?

The 5-year survival rate for children with a Wilms tumor is 93%. However, the rate varies according to the stage of the disease. Stage I, II, and III tumors with a favorable histology have a 4-year survival rate that ranges from 95% to 100%.

Can adults get Wilms tumor?

Wilms’ tumour in adults is extremely rare and has a poorer prognosis than paediatric Wilms’ tumour. It is difficult to differentiate adult Wilms’ tumour from renal cell carcinoma based on radiological findings alone. The diagnosis in adults is often serendipitous following nephrectomy for presumed renal cell carcinoma.

Is Wilms tumor hereditary?

Most cases of Wilms tumor are not caused by inherited genetic factors and do not cluster in families. Approximately 90 percent of these cancers are due to somatic mutations, which means that the mutations are acquired during a person’s lifetime and are present only in the tumor cells.

How is Nephroblastoma diagnosed?

In addition to a physical examination, the following tests may be used to diagnose a Wilms tumor:

  1. Blood/urine tests.
  2. X-ray.
  3. Ultrasound.
  4. Computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan.
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  6. Bone x-ray and bone scan.
  7. Surgery or biopsy.
  8. Chromosome tests.

Which is worse nephroblastoma in children or adults?

Wilms’ tumor metastasis occurs in children and adults in 10% and 29% of the cases, respectively [33, 34]. Nephroblastoma in adults is considered worse than in children. Stages III and IV are present in 50% of adults and 30% of children.

How are serum levels used to predict prognosis of neuroblastoma?

Serum (blood) levels of certain substances can also be used to help predict prognosis. Neuroblastoma cells release ferritin, a chemical that is an important part of the body’s normal iron metabolism, into the blood.

Where does neuroblastoma occur in the human body?

Although small, these glands dictate much of what happens in your body. Neuroblastoma is a cancer that develops from immature nerve cells found in several areas of the body. Neuroblastoma most commonly arises in and around the adrenal glands, which have similar origins to nerve cells and sit atop the kidneys.

How old does a child have to be to get neuroblastoma?

Neuroblastoma most commonly affects children age 5 or younger, though it may rarely occur in older children. Some forms of neuroblastoma go away on their own, while others may require multiple treatments.
