What is a Selectional restriction?

What is a Selectional restriction?

A selectional restriction is a restriction concerning the relation between a predicate (or predicate term) and its argument(s) (argument terms). It concerns inherent properties of the relevant referents.

What is a Selectional restriction violation?

A “Selectional Restriction Violation” is when someone ascribes to a thing something, usually a feeling, that is technically impossible for it to possess (at least as far as we know).

What is violation of Selectional restriction rule in literature?

Selectional restriction violations, being clashes between the core meanings of a predicate and one of its arguments, are likely to be detected during the initial phases of semantic interpretation.

What is semantic restriction?

A limitation on what other words can go with any particular word, based on the meaning of the latter.

What is Selectional preference?

Selectional preference, or SP, is an important lexical knowledge that can be applied to many natural language processing tasks, like semantic error detection, metaphor detection, word sense disambiguation, syntactic parsing, semantic role labeling, and machine translation.

What is a Collocational restriction in syntax?

Collocational restriction is a linguistic term used in morphology. The term refers to the fact that in certain two-word phrases the meaning of an individual word is restricted to that particular phrase (cf. idiom). For instance: the adjective dry can only mean ‘not sweet’ in combination with the noun wine.

What is linguistic narrowing?

Semantic narrowing is a type of semantic change by which the meaning of a word becomes less general or inclusive than its earlier meaning. The opposite process is called broadening or semantic generalization. “Such specialization is slow and need not be complete,” notes linguist Tom McArthur.

What is Selectional preference and why is it important for NLP?

What is Selectional preference in NLP?

Edit. From Roberts and Egg (2014): “Selectional preferences (Katz and Fodor, 1963; Wilks, 1975; Resnik, 1993) are the tendency for a word to semantically select or constrain which other words may appear in a direct syntactic relation with it.”

What are the different kinds of collocation?

There are about six main types of collocations: adjective + noun, noun + noun (such as collective nouns), verb + noun, adverb + adjective, verbs + prepositional phrase (phrasal verbs), and verb + adverb.

When does a word impose a selectional restriction?

Most linguists assume that words that can be used as predicates impose what they call selectional restrictions on what they take as arguments. When those restrictions are incompatible with the type of the argument, we get a semantic clash. a.?That person contains an interesting idea about Freud.

How is type information related to selectional restrictions?

Letʼs call such an approach the Sortal Theory; it is enshrined in most description logics. The Sortal Theory claims that type information is really just a part of the language of logical forms that is singled out by selectional restrictions. Type information is really just information about sorts.

How are selectional restrictions used in Computer Science?

Most linguists and computer scientists interested in lexical semantics take selectional restrictions to be sortal restrictions. Letʼs call such an approach the Sortal Theory; it is enshrined in most description logics.

What is the meaning of selection in linguistics?

In linguistics, selection denotes the ability of predicates to determine the semantic content of their arguments. Predicates select their arguments, which means they limit the semantic content of their arguments.