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What is a sentence for the word rural?

What is a sentence for the word rural?

Many people living in the rural parts of the country own guns, which they generally use for hunting. The rural way of life has changed a great deal with the introduction of new computerized farm machinery. much of the country is still rural and traditional.

Is Rural a word?

adjective. of, relating to, or characteristic of the country, country life, or country people; rustic: rural tranquillity. living in the country: the rural population. of or relating to agriculture: rural economy.

What it means to be rural?

The Census Bureau defines rural as “any population, housing, or territory NOT in an urban area”. Its definition of rural is closely tied to its urban definition. “Urbanized Areas” – population of 50,000 or more “Urban Clusters” – population of at least 2,500 and less than 50,000.

What is the best short definition of rural?

: of or relating to the country, country people or life, or agriculture.

What is the definition of rural population?

The Census Bureau defines rural as any population, housing, or territory NOT in an urban area. The green area on the map to the right represents all the area in the United States that is classified as rural based on this definition. The Census Bureau’s rural definition is closely tied to the urban definition.

What does a rural area look like?

A rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or other buildings, and not very many people. A rural areas population density is very low. Many people live in a city, or urban area. In a rural area, there are fewer people, and their homes and businesses are located far away from one another.

Are rural areas poor?

Households in rural areas have lower incomes than those in urban areas but they are less likely to live in poverty than their urban counterparts. According to the 2015 American Community Survey, median household income for rural households was $52,386, about 4 percent lower than the median for urban households.

Do poor people live in urban or rural?

3 Extensive evidence shows that poverty is more prevalent in rural compared to urban areas. 1 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the 2016 official poverty rate in rural areas was almost 16 percent compared to just over 12 percent in urban areas.

Who gives rural poor examples?

Rural poor are those who live below poverty line in the rural areas e.g. : landless labourers, small land owners. Detailed Answer : Rural poor are those who live below poverty line in the rural areas. e.g. landless labourers, small land owners, etc.

Why rural areas are poor?

Rural poverty is often a product of poor infrastructure that hinders development and mobility. Rural areas tend to lack sufficient roads that would increase access to agricultural inputs and markets. Both a lack of roads and insufficient irrigation systems result in greater Work Intensity in many rural communities.

What are the problems of rural society?

The major problems that have been identified are, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness and crime and violence. Poverty is the condition, when the individuals experience scarcity of resources that are necessary to sustain their living conditions appropriately.

Are rural areas less educated?

While the overall educational attainment of people living in rural areas has increased markedly over time, the share of adults with at least a bachelor’s degree is still higher in urban areas.

Why are rural areas important?

Rural America is important to all Americans because it is a primary source for inexpensive and safe food, affordable energy, clean drinking water and accessible outdoor recreation. Almost three-quarters of the United States is considered rural, but only 14 percent of the population lives there.

What are the disadvantages of rural areas?

On the negative side, rural areas are often poor and lack the services, employment opportunities, and leisure activities that cities have. Teens often complain of boredom, and drug and alcohol use can be high (Johnson et al., 2008).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of rural life?

Pros and Cons of Rural Living

  • Privacy. Living in a rural area provides another layer of privacy simply because there are less people around.
  • Larger home sites.
  • Distance between neighbors.
  • Serenity.
  • You can have more toys.
  • It can be a safer lifestyle.
  • Cost of living is typically cheaper.
  • More animals.

What are the advantages of rural banking?

advantages of rural banking

  • eliminated money lenders who charged high rate of interest from the poor farmers.
  • provided loans at easy installment and low rate of interest.
  • ensured food security.
  • generated self employment schemes.
  • contributed in increasing output.

What are the disadvantages of rural banking?

Following Professor Charan Wadhva, we may pinpoint some of the major problems faced by the RRBs as under.

  • Haste and Lack of Co-ordination in Branch Expansion:
  • Difficulties in Deposit Mobilisation:
  • Constraints in Deposit Mobilisation:
  • Slow Progress in Lending Activity:
  • Urban-Orientation of Staff:
  • Procedural Rigidities:

What are the function of rural bank?

In other words, rural banks accept savings, provide credit, ensure proper monetary accounting, accept securities and most important of all, engage in any economic activity that will promote the social and economic development. The Central Bank exercises supervisory control over all rural banks as a statutory function.

What are the advantages of having rural banks in rural areas?

A rural bank account enables you to build up an emergency fund. Since the rural bank is located near your residence or workplace, you can easily build up a fund for emergency purposes. You never know when you will need extra money for an emergency — be it for health, food, transportation, or other basic needs.

What do you mean by rural banks?

Rural banking is simply a banking service that serves smaller, rural communities. They tend to be deeply embedded in the communities they serve.

What is the difference between Commercial Bank and Rural Bank?

Universal and commercial banks offer the widest variety of banking services among financial institutions. These banks are also differentiated from each other by ownership; while rural banks are privately owned and managed, cooperative banks are organized/owned by cooperatives or federation of cooperatives.

What is rural banking concept?

Rural banking refers to the banking operations in the rural sector. The lending policy of the banks can affect the pace and direction of economic activity within the economy, the assumption being that it tends to push up the pace of progress in the desired sector.

What are the types of rural banking?

Today, rural banking includes a set of various financial institutions, particularly regional rural banks (RRBs), cooperatives, commercial banks, self-help groups, and land development banks. They assign sufficient credit at cheaper interest rates.

What are the different types of rural credit?

There are primarily three kinds of rural credits – short-term, long-term and medium-term….Listed below are the five major sources for rural credit in India.

  • Land Development Banks.
  • Co-operative Credit Societies.
  • Regional Rural Banks.
  • Commercial Banks.
  • Government.

How do you identify a rural bank?

  1. Rural: population less than 10,000.
  2. Semi-Urban: 10,000 and above and less than 1 lakh.
  3. Urban: 1 lakh and above and less than 10 lakh.
  4. Metropolitan: 10 lakh and above.

How do you categorize rural and urban?

Using these variables as explanatory ones, and the rural / urban characterization of areas is considered as an endogenous qualitative variable in a logistic regression model to test if they are significant or not in explaining rural and urban differences in considered administrative areas and thus they can be used as …

What is a sentence for the word rural?

What is a sentence for the word rural?

Many people living in the rural parts of the country own guns, which they generally use for hunting. The rural way of life has changed a great deal with the introduction of new computerized farm machinery. much of the country is still rural and traditional.

What are examples of rural?

The definition of a rural is a person who lives in the country. An example of rural is a farmer. Rural means relating to farming or country life. An example of rural is a land of farms.

What does the word rural mean?

: of or relating to the country, country people or life, or agriculture.

Is rural city or country?

According to the current delineation, released in 2012 and based on the 2010 decennial census, rural areas comprise open country and settlements with fewer than 2,500 residents. Urban areas comprise larger places and densely settled areas around them. Urban areas do not necessarily follow municipal boundaries.

Which describes a rural area?

A rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or other buildings, and not very many people. A rural areas population density is very low. Many people live in a city, or urban area. In a rural area, there are fewer people, and their homes and businesses are located far away from one another.

What is rural life?

The term “rural life” broadly describes the lifestyle of residents of nonurban areas, defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as small towns and country areas with populations less than 2,500. …

What are advantages of rural life?

That’s because there are numerous unique benefits to rural life that simply can’t be found in the busy city.

  • Lower upfront costs for a more luxurious home.
  • Reduced cost of living.
  • Space to live and enhance wellbeing.
  • A stronger sense of local community.
  • A more relaxed pace of life.
  • Better professional opportunities.

What is the advantage of rural area?

Fresh air and wide open spaces. Rural living offers the opportunity to reconnect with nature. More trees and less traffic means cleaner air. Fields, forests, and streams make for great outdoor living and a healthier lifestyle.

What are the types of rural communities?


  • 1 Academic Communities.
  • 2 Area Trade-Centers.
  • 3 Exurbs.
  • 4 Government Centers.
  • 5 Recreation Communities.
  • 6 Retirement Communities.
  • 8 External links.

What are the 4 types of communities?

You can classify every type of community by the purpose that brings them together.

  • Interest. Communities of people who share the same interest or passion.
  • Action. Communities of people trying to bring about change.
  • Place. Communities of people brought together by geographic boundaries.
  • Practice.
  • Circumstance.

What are characteristics of rural communities?

They have many general characteristics, such as: A small population size. A generally low population density. A smaller choice when it comes to shopping, medical services, and so on.

What are the types of villages?

Classification of Villages: 4 Categories

  • The Nucleated Village:
  • The Linear Village:
  • Dispersed Village:
  • The Mixed Village:
  • Migratory Village:
  • Semi-permanent Agricultural Village:
  • Permanent Agricultural Village:
  • Co-operative Villages:

What are the features of village?

Some of the important Characteristics features of Village Community in India are as follows:

  • Bases of social organization:
  • Group of people:
  • Definite locality:
  • Small size:
  • Importance of neighborhood:
  • Community sentiment:
  • Predominance of primary relations:
  • Joint family system:

What is the concept of villages?

A village is a small settlement usually found in a rural setting. It is generally larger than a “hamlet” but smaller than a “town”. Some geographers specifically define a village as having between 500 and 2,500 inhabitants. In most parts of the world, villages are settlements of people clustered around a central point.

What are the problems in villages?

The major problems that have been identified are, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness and crime and violence. Poverty is the condition, when the individuals experience scarcity of resources that are necessary to sustain their living conditions appropriately.

How much money do I need to live in the villages?

If you’ve not received the package containing this sheet it totals up the estimated cost of the amenities fee, sewer, water, power, trash, phone and cable, insurance, average taxes, and the CDD assessment and shows you a grand total of $1,010.17 per month to live in The Villages.

How much are monthly fees at the villages?

Ryan Erisman, author of “The Villages Florida Book,” says the first thing people interested in the area want to know is “Can I afford it?” The official Village line on what it costs to live there is $1,039 a month, well within many couples’ budgets, even those heavily reliant on Social Security.

What area of Florida has the highest STD rate?

Alachua County reported about 1,350 new cases of bacterial STDs per 100,000 people in 2019, putting it in the top three counties in the state to do so — just behind Leon and Gadsden counties, which help make up the Tallahassee metropolitan area.

What city has the highest STD rate?

San Francisco, CA

  • STD Cases / 100K. 3,150.
  • Metro Population. 883,305.
  • HIV Cases. 12,149.
  • Chlamydia Cases. 9,505.
  • Gonorrhea Cases. 5,593.
  • Syphilis Cases. 579.

How much are HOA fees at the villages?

There are no HOA fees, there are two separate organizations (one pro residents and one pro developer) which you can join but it’s only $10 per year or something like that. The $145 per month ammenity fee covers the executive golf courses, pools (except for those at country clubs) rec centers.

How much does a house cost in the villages?

The Villages, FL Housing Market In April 2021, the median list price of homes in The Villages, FL was $294K, trending up 1.7% year-over-year. The median listing price per square foot was $194. The median sale price was $284K.

Can you buy a house in the villages under 55?

AGE RESTRICTIONS You do not have to be 55 or older to buy a home in The Villages. By law only 80% of at least one resident must be 55 or older to qualify for a 55+ community.

Are villages expensive?

The Villages is 32-square-miles of unbridled growth. The Villages’ creature comforts are expensive. Prices are high by the standards of Florida’s interior, ranging between $250,000 and $800,000. Residents often pay for them by selling a house up north to cash in on the appreciation.

What is bad about the Villages in Florida?

Negatives of Living in The Villages Heat and Humidity: The heat and humidity in Florida can be overbearing, uncomfortable, and energy-sapping at times. Lack of Diversity: If you like to socialize with a varied, cosmopolitan crowd, The Villages may not be the place for you.

How safe is the Villages Fl?

The Villages also has the lowest violent crime rate in the state at 174.3. The area with the second-lowest crime rate in the state, according to the FBI, was the Punta Gorda MSA, with a rate of 1,324.2. Third was the Naples-Marco Island MSA at 1,351.4.

What are the disadvantages of living in a village?

Disadvantages of living in the towns

  • There are not as many amenities as in city life.
  • Opportunities in the villages are also scarce.
  • If you do not have acquaintances in a town, job opportunities or success may also be scarce.
  • Few educational advantages.
  • Worse or lower quality job opportunities.
  • Life in a town can be boring.

Why living in the countryside is bad?

Other Cons of Living in the Rural Areas They are: People either have to move or commute daily for hours from their home in search of better job opportunities from the countryside. Transportation is another big problem in the countryside. There are fewer services for public transport from one place to another.

Is urban life better than rural life?

There is quantitative evidence that rural areas are better off than urban areas on a number of different measures, such as unemployment and crime, but there are substantial differences within both rural and urban areas. In a few respects rural areas are worse off.

What are the good things about living in a village?

Now friends, its time to mention the top leading advantages of village life.

  • fresh food. fresh air and atmosphere.
  • fresh air and atmosphere. wide area.
  • wide area. joint family system.
  • joint family system. take care each other.
  • take care each other. healthy environment.
  • healthy environment.
  • no pollution.
  • no tensions and no worries.