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What is a simile for Surprised?

What is a simile for Surprised?

Some common synonyms of surprise are amaze, astonish, astound, and flabbergast.

What are the surprising words?


  • amazing.
  • astonishing.
  • breathtaking.
  • eye-opening.
  • mind-blowing.
  • spectacular.
  • staggering.
  • startling.

What are 3 examples of a simile?

Simile Examples Using As

As American as apple pie As big as an elephant
As busy as a bee As cheap as dirt
As clean as a whistle As clear as mud
As clear as crystal As cold as ice
As cool as a cucumber As cunning as a fox

What is it called when a phrase contradicts itself?

An oxymoron (usual plural oxymorons, more rarely oxymora) is a figure of speech that juxtaposes concepts with opposing meanings within a word or phrase that creates an ostensible self-contradiction. An oxymoron can be used as a rhetorical device to illustrate a rhetorical point or to reveal a paradox.

What is an impossible statement called?

A paradox is a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one’s expectation. It is a statement that, despite apparently valid reasoning from true premises, leads to a seemingly self-contradictory or a logically unacceptable conclusion.

What is it called when two opposite words are together?

The defining characteristic of an oxymoron is combining words or phrases that have opposite meanings. Because of this, an oxymoron is often referred to as a contradiction in terms.

What does a moron mean?

1 : a foolish or stupid person …

What is it called when words are opposite?

A contronym, often referred to as a Janus word or auto-antonym, is a word that evokes contradictory or reverse meanings depending on the context. Specifically, a contronym is a word with a homonym (another word with the same spelling but different meaning) that is also an antonym (a word with the opposite meaning).

Why are oxymorons used?

What Is the Purpose of Oxymoron in Literature? Oxymorons can support a lighthearted mood or tone, as well as emphasize conflict. The juxtaposition of two opposing words can also: Add dramatic effect.