What is a synonym for conscience?

What is a synonym for conscience?

Conscience Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for conscience?

principles ethics
integrity morality
shame squeam
superego voice within
moral sense sense of right

What are three synonyms for conscience?

Synonyms of conscience

  • ethics,
  • morality,
  • morals,
  • principles,
  • scruples,
  • standards,
  • values.

What else is conscience called?

Words related to conscience shame, duty, compunction, morals, censor, demur, superego, qualms, principles, scruples, still small voice.

What’s another word for conscientious?

Some common synonyms of conscientious are honest, honorable, just, scrupulous, and upright.

What do you call a person that is a good listener?

Noun. One who listens well. good conversationalist. sensitive person.

Are conscientious people happier?

Our analysis showed that an individual’s own level of conscientiousness was related to their quality of life, with participants who had higher levels of conscientiousness reporting a better quality of life.

Can a conscientious person be lazy?

Conscientiousness plays a key role in whether an individual sets and prioritizes long-term goals, values obligations, and makes smart decisions. And those who weren’t born with or taught the power of conscientiousness may be lazy, indifferent, or careless instead.

Is being conscientious a strength?

Conscientiousness is one of the key five components. It’s composed of two aspects—industriousness and orderliness. From one perspective, it’s definitely a strength. Conscientiousness is associated with success in life and work.

What is my strongest trait?

Here we will feature the strongest and most intriguing character traits that can make your characters even better.

  • Loyalty.
  • Self-Control.
  • Persistence.
  • Spirituality.
  • Impatience.
  • Greed.
  • Cruelty.
  • Unforgiving.

What is the most important trait?

According to respondents, positivity is the most important trait a leader can have, with 47 percent of participants citing that quality.

Why is conscientiousness bad?

A supervisor can become a painful micro-manager. In the worst case, decisions take longer, and the ability to improvise and prioritize is lost. Extreme conscientiousness can also expose you to rapid burnout. The connection between over-conscientiousness and poor success at work was discovered.

Is being too conscientious bad?

Although conscientiousness exhibits positive relations with psychological well-being, theoretical and empirical work suggests individuals can be too conscientious, resulting in obsessive-compulsiveness, and therein less positive individual outcomes.

Are conscientious people more successful?

Conscientious individuals tend to be high achievers in academics and in professional life. On the job, along with high productivity, they garner higher earnings, good relationships, work satisfaction, and achievement. In addition, the conscientious tend to land more leadership positions.

Is it bad to be too conscientious?

Conscientiousness can also lead to burnout. Some employees become so psychologically invested in their work role that they work too much or care too much about their work or their employer. These individuals may be perfectionists who want to be perfect at work and to make sure everyone else is perfect.

What does it mean to be overly conscientious?

: unduly or excessively conscientious : giving more thoughtful attention to something than is necessary or appropriate He can be overconscientious about following the rules.

What are the disadvantages of being conscientious?

Although Conscientiousness is generally thought of as a positive trait, there are some downsides to being high in Conscientiousness. Highly Conscientious people can sometimes be overly serious and may need some prodding to relax and have fun.

Why are the big five personality traits important?

The Big Five personality theory gives a simple blueprint to understanding others, improving relationships by knowing why people behave the way they do. The Big Five personality theory gives a simple blueprint to understanding others, improving relationships by knowing why people tend to behave the way that they do.

Who developed Big Five personality traits?

Who developed the big 5 personality traits? Originally developed in 1949, the big 5 personality traits is a theory established by D. W. Fiske and later expanded upon by other researchers including Norman (1967), Smith (1967), Goldberg (1981), and McCrae & Costa (1987).