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What is a synopsis of the events characters and ideas in a work of literature?

What is a synopsis of the events characters and ideas in a work of literature?

A Literary summary is a synopsis of the events, characters, and ideas in a work of literature. In literature, a literary summary covers all the important part of the narrative which includes protagonist, antagonist, plot, character, conflict, theme and other important elements.

What are the words spoken by characters in a literary work?

EOCT Review 1

Denotation This is the dictionary definition of a word.
Dialogue These are the words spoken by characters in a literary work.
Diction This is the writer’s choice of words, including the vocabulary used, the appropriateness of the words, and the vividness of the language.

What is the name for what is gathered through the general process of living?

EOC Terms

Experience This is the name for what is gathered through the general process of living, or for the process itself.
Fiction This is writing that tells about imaginary characters and events.
Figurative language This goes beyond the literal meanings of words to create special effects or feelings.

What is an inference statement?

An inference is an idea or conclusion that’s drawn from evidence and reasoning. An inference is an educated guess. We learn about some things by experiencing them first-hand, but we gain other knowledge by inference — the process of inferring things based on what is already known. You can also make faulty inferences.

What do we call the way a literary work is organized?

The term that was characterised in the given description is “structure.” It is considered as the overall framework of the narrative that arranges the context in an organised manner which mainly depends on the author and how he wants the readers to interpret his/her work.

What is the time and place in which a literary work happens?

The setting of a literary work is the time and place of the action. The setting includes all the details of a place and time – the year, the time of day, even the weather.

What is a character in a work that represents a certain type of person?

Archetypal Character. This is a character in a work that is a very typical of a certain type of person.