What is a trough on a graph?

What is a trough on a graph?

6. The opposite of peak in a graph – the lowest part of the line on a graph, between where it falls and rises.

What is an example of a trough?

The definition of a trough is a long and narrow container. An example of a trough is what pigs eat out of. An example of a trough is a long container in which plants grow next to each other.

What happens during a trough?

A trough is the stage of the economy’s business cycle that marks the end of a period of declining business activity and the transition to expansion. These increase during expansion, recede during contraction, and bottom out during a trough.

What is a peak and a trough?

The lowest level of the drug in the patient’s body is called the trough level. The peak for a drug is when the level of the drug in the patient’s body is the highest.

Why are trough levels important?

To adequately evaluate the appropriate dosage levels of many drugs, the collection and testing of specimens for trough and peak levels is necessary. The trough level is the lowest concentration in the patient’s bloodstream, therefore, the specimen should be collected just prior to administration of the drug.

When should trough levels be taken?

A trough level is drawn immediately before the next dose of the drug is administered. A peak level is drawn 1 to several hours after the drug is administered (depending on the drug).

What is the valley of a graph?

The definition of valley is similar: a point is a valley point if its y -value is smaller than the y -values of both of its immediate neighbors. For example, point (20, 25) is a valley because its y-value (25) is smaller than its left neighbor’s y-value (30) and its right neighbor’s y-value (29).

What is the lowest point of a graph called?

absolute minimum

What is peak and valley?

: high and low periods There are peaks and valleys in electricity usage throughout the year.

What is it called when a graph has one peak?

In statistics, the peaks are more formally called modes; The data count is higher in these areas than in any other parts of the graph. In calculus, the peaks are often called local maximums or global maximums. A unimodal distribution has one peak.

How do you describe a curve on a graph?

A curve is common in rates of reaction graphs. A straight line would indicate a constant rate of reaction, while a curve indicates a change in the rate (or speed) of a reaction over time.

What is the shape of a dot plot?

The most typical symmetric histogram or dot plot has the highest vertical column in the center. This shape is often referred to as being a “normal curve” (or normal distribution). Skewed Left (negatively skewed) – fewer data plots are found to the left of the graph (toward the smaller numeric values).

Is a bell curve a function?

A bell-shaped function or simply ‘bell curve’ is a mathematical function having a characteristic “bell”-shaped curve. These functions are typically continuous or smooth, asymptotically approach zero for large negative/positive x, and have a single, unimodal maximum at small x.

Is Bell Curve good or bad?

Performance appraisal using the bell curve will create a sense of uncertainty in the minds of the employees who have been graded badly because they might assume that in a tough job market, they would be the first ones to be fired. This would lead to a loss in morale and even poorer performance at the workplace.

What is Bell Curve?

A bell curve is a graph depicting the normal distribution, which has a shape reminiscent of a bell. The top of the curve shows the mean, mode, and median of the data collected. Bell curves (normal distributions) are used commonly in statistics, including in analyzing economic and financial data.

Can a bell curve lower your grade?

Grading on the bell curve system can and does impact grades. It can lower or improve student grades, standardize grades across instructors, and prevent grade inflation.

What is Bell Curve in HR?

Bell curve system of performance appraisal is a forced ranking system imposed on the employees by the management. Through this system, the organization tries to segregate the best, mediocre and worst performers and nurture the best and discard the worst.

How do I manually create a bell curve?

How to Create a Bell Curve Graph

  1. Collect Accurate Data. Carefully gather your data of interest.
  2. Calculate Sample Average. Calculate your sample mean.
  3. Determine Standard Deviation. Compute your standard deviation to find out how far each score is from the average.
  4. Plot Data. Plot your mean along the x-axis.
  5. Draw the Graph.

How do I make a bell curve in Word?

Draw a curve

  1. On the Insert tab, click Shapes.
  2. Under Lines, click Curve.
  3. Click where you want the curve to start, drag to draw, and then click wherever you want to add a curve.
  4. To end a shape, do one of the following: To leave the shape open, double-click at any time. To close the shape, click near its starting point.

What is a normal curve on a graph?

The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is symmetrical on both sides of the mean, so the right side of the center is a mirror image of the left side. The area under the normal distribution curve represents probability and the total area under the curve sums to one.

What is the shape of a normal curve?

A normal density curve is a bell-shaped curve. A density curve is scaled so that the area under the curve is 1. The center line of the normal density curve is at the mean μ. The change of curvature in the bell-shaped curve occurs at μ – σ and μ + σ .

What makes a graph normal?

The graph of the normal distribution is characterized by two parameters: the mean, or average, which is the maximum of the graph and about which the graph is always symmetric; and the standard deviation, which determines the amount of dispersion away from the mean.

What is the other term for the normal curve?

Also called Gaussian curve, probability curve .