What is a word ending with ship?

What is a word ending with ship?

8-letter words that end in ship

  • flagship.
  • hardship.
  • township.
  • lordship.
  • kingship.
  • starship.
  • headship.
  • wardship.

What word has the suffix ship?

This morpheme tends to mean “art or skill of, condition, rank, group of”. Some of the most representative words that include it are: leadership, citizenship, companionship, kingship .

What are some sailing terms?

Sailing Terms Everyone Should Know

  • Port: Facing forward, this is anything to the left of the boat.
  • Bow/Stern: The bow is the front of the boat, the stern is the back.
  • Point of Sail: The boat’s direction relative to the wind.
  • Helm: Where you steer the boat.

What do you call a ship with sails?

A sailing ship is a sea-going vessel that uses sails mounted on masts to harness the power of wind and propel the vessel. Some ships carry square sails on each mast—the brig and full-rigged ship, said to be “ship-rigged” when there are three or more masts.

What is a 3 mast ship called?

Barque. A vessel of three or more masts, fore and aft rigged on the aftermost mast and square-rigged on all others. Sometimes spelled ‘bark’.

Why is it called the brig?

A brig is a prison, especially a naval or military prison. This meaning comes from the fact that two-masted warships known as brigs were historically used as floating prisons. The word brig is a shortened form of brigantine, “a small, two-masted ship” with large, square sails.

Who drives the ship?


What does barquentine mean?

A barquentine or schooner barque (alternatively “barkentine” or “schooner bark”) is a sailing vessel with three or more masts; with a square rigged foremast and fore-and-aft rigged main, mizzen and any other masts.

What is a barque used for?

Bark, also spelled barque, sailing ship of three or more masts, the rear (mizzenmast) being rigged for a fore-and-aft rather than a square sail. Until fore-and-aft rigs were applied to large ships to reduce crew sizes, the term was often used for any small sailing vessel.

How do you spell chaotic?

Chaotic starts with a hard “K” sound (kay-AH-tick), but things that are chaotic are usually not OK, they’re crazy disordered, like your crammed locker at the end of the school year. Chaotic is an adjective that comes from the noun “chaos,” meaning complete and total confusion or lack of order.

Why J is silent in mojito?

Mojito is a Cuban drink. Spanish is the official language of Cuba, and in Spanish, ‘j’ is pronounced as ‘h’. Thus, mohito.

Is Mojito a Spanish word?

Mojito (/moʊˈhiːtoʊ/; Spanish: [moˈxito]) is a traditional Cuban highball. The cocktail often consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar (traditionally sugar cane juice), lime juice, soda water, and mint.