What is a word for wanting more power?

What is a word for wanting more power?

Ambitious is a general descriptor that can be applied to power as well as other advantages that lead to success: adjective. 1 Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed: a ruthlessly ambitious woman. ODO.

What do you call someone with more power?

ascendancy. noun. the advantage, power, or influence that one person or group has over another.

What is another word for getting stronger?

What is another word for get stronger?

recover recuperate
improve rally
revive get better
get well mend
pick up gain

What is a word for getting worse?

What is another word for get worse?

deteriorate decline
worsen degenerate
wane degrade
fail weaken
depreciate fade

Can you marry Sapphire?

While Sapphire probably isn’t the nicest character in the game, she’s certainly one of the coolest! Ever wanted a chance to go on a thieving quest with her? Well, with Marry – Sapphire, now you can! Just buy an Amulet of Mara, talk to Maramal, and ask her to marry you!

What do you do with the right eye of the Falmer?

There is no quest attached to the Right Eye of the Falmer, so it can be sold to merchants who buy stolen goods.

Can Vex be a follower?

Straight donations accepted. This mod allows Brynjolf and Vex to accompany the player as followers after the completion of the Thieves Guild questline. Both Brynjolf and Vex have fully voiced responses using their original voice type.

Do Thieves Guild jobs ever end?

They never end but they are easy money when you are desperate.

Is vex Marriable Skyrim?

No, she is not a possible marriage option.

What are the special jobs for the thieves guild?

Special Job Quests[edit]

  • The Burglary Job: Steal a special item from a wealthy home. (radiant)
  • The Shill Job: Place an item as evidence inside a wealthy home. (radiant)
  • The Sweep Job: Steal three specific valuable items from a wealthy house. (radiant)
  • The Heist Job: Steal a particular item from a store. (radiant)

Can you destroy the thieves guild?

Sadly, there is no quest to destroy the Thieves Guild in Skyrim. (I’m 90% sure.) I would bet there’s a mod out there for it, though. If your on the PC there is a mod called Destroy the Thieves Guild where you can bring down the guild and Maven (be sure to read the description).

What pays the most in Skyrim?

Enchanting is by far one of the most lucrative businesses one can undertake in Skyrim. If they’re focusing on their Enchanting skill, then learning valuable enchantments like Banish, Paralyze, Absorb Health, and Turn Undead then applying them to unenchanted items makes good money.

What level should I start the Thieves Guild?

You can start the Thieves Guild at any time, and play until the ‘Nightengale’ section, and around level 25is that is damn good. Do not finish the Thieves Guild (the very last quest) until you are around level 30 for max (Or close to) thieves Guild Armor.