What is Act 3 of the crucible about?

What is Act 3 of the crucible about?

In Act 3 of The Crucible, we meet the judges who have been conducting the witch trials. John Proctor and Mary Warren finally confront the court with the truth, but, as you’ll see, the truth has limited currency when it doesn’t align with what people have already chosen to believe.

What does the conversation in Act 1 between Abigail Mercy and Mary Warren reveal about the their relationship?

The conversation between Abigail, Mercy Lewis, Mary Warren, and Betty Parris reveals that they actually were in the forest the night before. They reveal that they were dancing, Abigail drank blood (a magical charm to kill Goody Proctor), and Mercy Lewis was naked.

Who tells the truth in Act 3 of the crucible?

Proctor, who has spent seven months concealing his affair with Abigail, now tells the truth but is disbelieved.

What is the most important piece of information revealed in Act 1 of The Crucible?

The most important piece of information revealed in Act 1 is Abigail Williams’s confession to John Proctor that Betty Parris, her cousin, is not suffering as a result of some witchcraft they performed.

Who has the most power in Salem?

Abigail Williams

Who did Abigail have a relationship with?

John Proctor

Why does Abigail have so much power in the court?

Thus, Abigail Williams’ “power” in the courtroom is that she can bend to her will those who are in a position to make life or death decisions, especially Judge Danforth. In the court, she pretends to be freezing; she pretends to see a yellow bird; she claims that Mary is using “a black art to change [her] shape”.

What are three examples of logical fallacies used in Act Three of the crucible?

Terms in this set (7)

  • begging the question/circular reasoning. Often called circular reasoning, begging the question occurs when the believability of the evidence depends on the believability of the claim.
  • ad hominem.
  • scare tactic/appeal to fear.
  • red herring.
  • faulty dilemma (either/or choices)
  • bandwagon.
  • false analogy.

What motivates Elizabeth to lie is a good name more important than the truth?

What motivates Elizabeth to lie? Is a good name more important than the truth? Elizabeth assumed that she was doing good by, ironically, lying to the court. She most probably believed that the accusation of lechery had been brought by Abigail and that she would clear his name if she lied.

What is the purpose of John Proctor’s change in character?

Hover for more information. John Proctor is a different man by the end of The Crucible, as his character evolves from a self-loathing sinner to an upright, moral man. At the beginning of the play, John is intent on hiding his affair from everyone—even at the expense of others’ safety.

When John is first introduced Is he happy Why or why not?

When John was first introduced, he wasn’t happy. Abigal was harrassing him to be with her because she believes that he liked her when he doesn’t. He also held a lot of guilt. Overall, Proctor is a good guy, but he has one secret, fatal flaw.

How are the false confessions in Act 3 situational irony?

Situational Irony: John Proctor say that his wife can’t lie only for her to come out and lie about why Abigail was dismissed from their service. We, the reader, already know that John Proctor committed adultery, and admitted it, but Elizabeth does not so she lies to protect him.

How does Elizabeth’s lie affect her husband’s situation?

In Act 3, Elizabeth’s lie further incriminates her husband and causes the court to distrust Proctor’s veracity. Accordingly, when Elizabeth is brought before Danforth, she refuses to confess that her husband has committed the crime of lechery. However, Elizabeth makes the situation worse for her husband.

Who was jealous of Rebecca Nurse?

Goody Putnam