What is an adjective that means noticeable?

What is an adjective that means noticeable?

observable, salient, spectacular, remarkable, noteworthy, distinct, perceptible, apparent, notable, unmistakable, eye-catching, striking, marked, obvious, appreciable, palpable, prominent, arresting, clear, manifest.

What is a word for noticable?

Some common synonyms of noticeable are conspicuous, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, salient, and striking.

What type of word is noticeable?


How do you know if a variable is ordinal?

An ordinal variable is similar to a categorical variable. The difference between the two is that there is a clear ordering of the categories. For example, suppose you have a variable, economic status, with three categories (low, medium and high).

What is the difference between scale and ordinal in SPSS?

nominal scale: scale of measurement in whch numbers are used simply as names and not as quantites. In ordinal level of measurement the order matters but the differences don’t matter but in SPSS scale means measurement at the level of interval/ratio.

Is ethnicity nominal or ordinal?

Some variables have fixed levels. For example, gender and ethnicity are always nominal level data because they cannot be ranked. However, for other variables, you can choose the level of measurement.

Is yes or no nominal or ordinal?

In research activities a YES/NO scale is nominal. It has no order and there is no distance between YES and NO. There are also highly sophisticated modelling techniques available for nominal data. An ordinal scale is next up the list in terms of power of measurement.

Why is ordinal better than nominal?

These variables are descriptive in nature. In terms of statistics, nominal scale is the easiest to understand and implement. This scale has no numerical value, for example – gender, ethnicity, race etc. Ordinal Level of Measurement: In ordinal level of measurement, the order of variables is critical.

Is yes or no qualitative or quantitative?

The quantitative questions might take the form of yes/no, or rating scale (1 to 5), whereas the qualitative questions would present a box where people can write in their own words.

Can nominal data be converted to ordinal?

14.1. 1 Ranks. The methods presented in Chapter 12 were used to analyze response variables that are categorical in nature; that is, they are measured in a nominal scale. Interval or ratio measurements can also be changed into ordinal scale measurements by simply ranking the observations.

Can you add ordinal data?

In the social sciences, ordinal data is often collected using Likert scales. Although you can say that two values in your data set are equal or unequal (= or ≠) or that one value is greater or less than another (< or >), you cannot meaningfully add or subtract the values from each other.

Is age a nominal scale?

A ratio scale has the first characteristic of the interval scale (interval) but also has a meaningful zero point—which means the absence of the attribute. This enables multiplication and division on the values. Using the aforementioned definition, age is in a ratio scale. Age 0 = no age.

Is age categorical or numerical?

In statistics, there are broadly 2 types of variables: Numerical variables: Numbers which should be treated as they usually are in mathematics. For example, age and weight would be considered numerical variables, while phone number and ZIP code would not be considered numerical variables.

What level of measurement is age range?

Age is, technically, continuous and ratio. A person’s age does, after all, have a meaningful zero point (birth) and is continuous if you measure it precisely enough.

What are the 4 levels of measurement in statistics?

There are four levels of measurement – nominal, ordinal, and interval/ratio – with nominal being the least precise and informative and interval/ratio variable being most precise and informative.

What level of measurement is height?

Physical characteristics of persons and objects can be measured with ratio scales, and, thus, height and weight are examples of ratio measurement. A score of 0 means there is complete absence of height or weight.

What are four levels of measurement?

In statistics, level of measurement is a classification that relates the values that are assigned to variables with each other. Psychologist Stanley Smith is known for developing four levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.

What is the lowest level of measurement?

nominal level

What level of measurement is years of work experience?

There are four scales (or levels) of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Years of experience is reported as a number.