What is an air-to-air exchange?

What is an air-to-air exchange?

An air-to-air heat exchanger brings two air streams of different temperatures into thermal contact, transferring heat from the exhausting inside air to incoming outside air during the heating season. The air-to-air heat exchanger removes the excess humidity and flushes out odors and pollutants generated indoors.

Are Home air exchangers worth it?

For the reason air exchangers save heat, they help saving money as well. As they keep the temperature inside the house regulated, the frequent need of turning on or off the heating or cooling system is eliminated that results into reduced electricity bills.

Should you run an air exchanger in the summer?

The answer depends on your home’s air conditioning system, your ERV wall control, the outdoor temperature and, most importantly, the outdoor relative humidity. As a rule of thumb, if you are more comfortable outside than inside your house, you should run your air exchanger in the summer.

Should air exchanger run all the time?

Air exchangers should be run at all time, summer and winter. Depending on the size of your home, energy-efficient air exchangers can cycle through all the air in your home in just a few hours.

Do I need a dehumidifier if I have an air exchanger?

The answer is no. Installing an ERV is a great way to ventilate your home, but it’s a poor choice for dehumidifying indoor air. That’s right: An ERV will not help you dehumidify your home.

Does an air exchanger purify the air?

Air exchangers and purifiers remove environmental contaminants from the home. An exchanger exhausts stale air from inside and replaces it with fresh air from outside. Conversely, a purifier detoxes the existing air, making it supplementary to a ventilation system—not substitutional.

Should I shut off my air exchanger in the summer?

TURN IT OFF IN SUMMER Second, it helps control your air’s humidity. During summer, the air outside naturally becomes more humid, because hot air energizes water molecules and keeps them from condensing. Pulling humid summer air into your home forces your air conditioner to work harder to compensate for it.

Should I turn off my air exchanger in summer?

Should I leave my air exchanger on in the winter?

Should I Run The Air Exchanger During Winter? Every home is different depending on how much condensation builds up during the winter, Simple answer is yes. You’ll want to set your Air exchanger to the proper humidity level for the winter.

Will an air exchanger remove humidity?

How Do Air Exchangers Work? During the summer and in warm weather, the air exchanger will remove the outdoor heat and humidity before the filtered air enters the home. Some homes in all climates have an energy recovery ventilator that can remove both the heat and humidity.

Does an ERV dehumidify?

Although, it should be made clear that ERV systems are not a reliable source to remove moisture; an ERV system is not a dehumidifier and actually guarantees that a dehumidification system will be necessary.

Do air exchangers dehumidify?

What Does An Air Exchanger Do? The purpose of these air exchangers are to provide fresh air into the air system along with dehumidifying the existing air to ensure your home isn’t creating mold growth. These systems also clean the existing stagnant air inside the home, allowing fresh air to move around freely.

How are air to air heat exchangers made?

To fabricate our Air to Air Heat Exchangers, our engineers leverage a variety of in-house construction methods including folded fin fabrication, zipper fin production, nickel plating, heat pipe manufacturing, vacuum brazing, dip brazing, soldering, and welding.

What are the efficiency of air to air exchangers?

The longer the air runs in the unit, the greater the heat exchange. The percentage of heat recovery is the efficiency of the unit. Efficiencies usually range around 80%. Generally, these units are long, shallow and rectangular, with ducts at either of the long ends.

What happens if you don’t have an air exchanger in your home?

While a “tight” home will reduce the costs of heating and cooling, it also will trap water vapor and harmful particles in the home. Window condensation and other moisture problems are likely in a weatherized home without air exchangers.

How often do air exchangers replace inside air?

In some homes, this natural air infiltration now replaces inside air every four to 10 hours, compared with every 30 minutes 40 years ago. Unfortunately, this reduction of outside air entering the structure can lead to problems with indoor air quality. Two of the most common quality issues are excess humidity