What is an example of a complete thought?

What is an example of a complete thought?

A complete thought consists of a general subject (a topic) and some kind of “spin” or controlling idea on the topic. For example, the controlling idea could be the speaker’s intent, understanding, perspective, or opinion about the topic. Over five billion mobile phones are in use worldwide.

Is incomplete a proper word?

adjective. not complete; lacking some part. Football. (of a forward pass) not completed; not caught by a receiver.

What is the meaning of incomplete?

1 : not complete : unfinished: such as. a : lacking a usually necessary part, element, or step spoke in incomplete sentences an incomplete set of golf clubs an incomplete diet.

What is the root word of incomplete?

incomplete (adj.) late 14c., from Late Latin incompletus “incomplete,” from in- “not” (see in- (1)) + completus (see complete (adj.)). Related: Incompletely; incompleteness.

Which word root means incomplete?

atel/o. imperfect, incomplete. capn/o. carbon dioxide. hem/o, hemat/o.

What is another word for not complete?

What is another word for not completed?

not-yet finalized incomplete
half-done partial
unaccomplished fragmentary
undone unexecuted
not done not finished

What is the word for complete?

total, absolute, consummate, outright, perfect, thorough, thoroughgoing, utter. finished, accomplished, achieved, concluded, ended. entire, all, faultless, full, intact, plenary, unbroken, whole.

What is difference between incomplete and Uncomplete?

The opposite of incomplete is complete; i.e, all parts are present. Incomplete means (and meant) that not all parts are present. The Latin negative in- prefix was already attached, before the word was borrowed. The opposite of uncompleted is completed; i.e, finished, done (of activities).

What complete means?

adjective. having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain’s writings. finished; ended; concluded: a complete orbit. having all the required or customary characteristics, skills, or the like; consummate; perfect in kind or quality: a complete scholar.

What is a complete change?

C1. a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved: Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.6 วันที่ผ่านมา

What makes something complete?

To complete is to finish something, to make something whole or see a task through to the end. An example of complete is when you finish your homework. verb.

Is darkness God’s sister?

Amara is the embodiment of the Darkness — God’s twin sister. Amara was able to rapidly age through the consumption of souls. The Darkness is the most powerful being in existence. Her brother, God, and Death are the only beings close to her in power; however, Amara is ultimately stronger than either of them.

What the father sees in secret?

Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.