What is an example of a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

What is an example of a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

An example of a prepositional phrase is, “With a reusable tote in hand, Matthew walked to the farmer’s market.” Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object. In the example above, “with” is the preposition and “reusable tote” is the object.

How do you explain prepositions?

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns.

What are the preposition words?

Preposition Basics A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like “in,” “at,” “on,” “of,” and “to.”

How do you use prepositions correctly?

“I’ll meet you at 5.30.” Prepositions are always used to indicate the relationship of a noun or phrase to something else. When using a preposition, you must always have the subject and verb before it, and follow it with a noun. You should never follow it with a verb!

Is have a preposition?

The word ‘have’ functions as a verb, as opposed to functioning as a preposition. The word ‘have’ refers to the actions of possessing, holding,…

Is away a preposition?

Away is an adverb. Away from is a multi-word preposition.

Where do we use prepositions?

As a preposition, along means ‘in a line next to something long and thin’, e.g. a road, a path: There were lots of shops along the main street. I saw three different boats along the bank of the river.

What is a preposition because of?

​used before a noun or noun phrase to say that somebody/something is the reason for something. They are here because of us. He walked slowly because of his bad leg.

Is despite a preposition?

In spite of and despite are prepositional expressions. In spite of and despite have a similar meaning to although or even though. They express a contrast between two things.

Is due to correct grammar?

Usage of ‘due to’ is correct, if the sentence makes sense when ‘due to’ is replaced with ’caused by’. Use ‘because of’ to modify verbs. ‘Due to’ & ‘because of’ are not interchangeable.

What type of phrase is due to?


Is due to in a sentence?

For example: ‘Due to our lack of data, we could not complete the research. ‘ In this sentence, there is no noun for ‘due to’ to modify, and no verb preceding it. ‘Due to the fact that’ tends to be an unnecessarily wordy way to say ‘because’. For example: ‘The picnic was cancelled due to the fact that it was raining.

What should I say instead of due?

  • because of,
  • owing to,
  • through,
  • with.

Can I use due to in the beginning of a sentence?

Yes, you can use ‘due to’ at the beginning of a sentence.

What is an example of a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

What is an example of a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

An example of a prepositional phrase is, “With a reusable tote in hand, Matthew walked to the farmer’s market.” Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object. In the example above, “with” is the preposition and “reusable tote” is the object.

What is prepositional phrase and examples?

A prepositional phrase is a part of a sentence that consists of one preposition and the object it affects. The object of a prepositional phrase can be either a noun, gerund, or clause. Here’s an example of a prepositional phrase (in italics): She caught the bus on time.

What are 10 common prepositions?

Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

What are the 10 examples of preposition?

Some examples of common prepositions used in sentences are:

  • He sat on the chair.
  • There is some milk in the fridge.
  • She was hiding under the table.
  • The cat jumped off the counter.
  • He drove over the bridge.
  • She lost her ring at the beach.
  • The book belongs to Anthony.
  • They were sitting by the tree.

What is preposition and give 5 examples?

Preposition Basics A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like “in,” “at,” “on,” “of,” and “to.”

What is conjunction give 10 examples?

Subordinating Conjunctions

1. Because She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking.
3. Whereas She is very funny whereas he is boring.
4. But I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty.
5. Besides She speaks three languages besides Spanish.
6. Unlike Jack is completely unlike his father.

Where do we use conjunction in a sentence?

1. Sentences with conjunctions and connecting words

Conjunction Sentence
because She goes to the tennis club because she likes to play tennis.
but He reads magazines, but he doesn’t like to read books.
either I’m sorry, Peter is ill and I can’t come either.
We can either go to the cinema or to the café.

What are 20 conjunctions examples?

50 Conjunction Sentences in English

after although as if
lest now now that
now when however provided
provided that rather than so that
supposing than though

What is conjunction and example?

A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, clauses or sentences. e.g., but, and, yet, or, because, nor, although, since, unless, while, where etc. Examples: She bought a shirt and a book. The conjunction can either be a single word or a group of words.

What are conjunction words?

Conjunctions are words that join together other words or groups of words. A coordinating conjunction connects words, phrases, and clauses of equal importance. The main coordinating conjunctions are and, or, and but.

What is a conjunction for kids?

Conjunctions are words that connect or link phrases, sentences, clauses, or words together. You can think of this words as words that join phrases or different parts of a sentence together. Common conjunctions include the following: -and. -but.

What’s a simple sentence?

A simple sentence is a sentence containing only one clause, or more specifically, an independent clause, with a subject and a predicate.

What is conjunction short answer?

A conjunction is a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses. They glue words, phrases, and clauses together.

Is both a conjunction word?

As a conjunction, ‘both’ should only be used with ‘and’; its use with other conjunctive phrases (e.g., “as well as” and “along with”) is not preferred. In the examples below, “both…and” is used as a conjunction relating two nouns, two adjectives, and two verbs, respectively.

What is a conjunction 1st grade?

Conjunctions are words that connect two other words or phrases together, like ‘and’, ‘or’, and ‘but’. We can combine, or put together, these two sentences with a conjunction! The car is blue and fast. And is a conjunction!

Who is a conjunction or not?

A CONJUNCTION is a word that connects or joins together words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. There are two kinds of conjunctions, a primary class of COORDINATING conjunctions and a secondary class called SUBORDINATING or SUBORDINATE conjunctions.

What are conjunction words list?

The most common coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so; you can remember them by using the mnemonic device FANBOYS. I’d like pizza or a salad for lunch. We needed a place to concentrate, so we packed up our things and went to the library. Jesse didn’t have much money, but she got by.

What kind of word is if?


Is but a conjunction?

But is a coordinating conjunction used to connect ideas that contrast. Coordinating conjunctions connect items which are the same grammatical type. …

What is the but in grammar?

Preposition. Sometimes, the word “but” is classified as a preposition that means “except.” It is commonly used after the words all, any, no, every, none, nothing, etc. In the sample sentence below: This is nothing but an insult. The word “but’ is considered as a preposition that means “other than.”

What is an example of a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

What is an example of a prepositional phrase in a sentence?

An example of a prepositional phrase is, “With a reusable tote in hand, Matthew walked to the farmer’s market.” Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object. In the example above, “with” is the preposition and “reusable tote” is the object.

What are the parts of the prepositional phrase?

Prepositional phrases consist of two parts: a preposition and an object of that preposition. These parts are typically right next to each other in a sentence. While both a preposition and an object can function as different parts of a sentence, they are the only parts of a prepositional phrase.

What are 5 examples of prepositional phrases?

Common prepositional phrase examples include about, after, at, before, behind, by, during, for, from, in, of, over, past, to, under, up, and with.

Which part of the sentence is a phrase?

In general, the subject refers to the part of the sentence that tells who or what the sentence is about. The subject is a noun, pronoun or noun phrase.

What is phrases and example?

phrase is a group of words that work together to make meaning, but it is not a complete sentence. In other words, it does not have both a subject and a verb. Example of phrases put together in a sentence: The brown hat was blowing away in the wind.

What are the 4 types of phrases?

A phrase is a group of words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute.

How do I find a phrase?

Phrases are a combination of two or more words that can take the role of a noun, a verb, or a modifier in a sentence. Phrases are different from clauses because while dependent and independent clauses both contain a subject and a verb, phrases do not.

What is gerund example?

A gerund is the –ing form of a verb that functions the same as a noun. For example, “Running is fun.” In this sentence, “running” is the gerund. It acts just like a noun. You can only use a gerund after the verb “suggest.”

How do you identify a gerund phrase?

A gerund phrase will follow these rules, which can help you identify a gerund phrase in a sentence:

  1. The phrase will always start with a gerund.
  2. The gerund phrase will either have a modifier, an object or both.
  3. The entire phrase will function as a noun.
  4. The phrase will have singular agreement with a verb.

How do you use gerund phrases in a sentence?

Gerund phrases, which always function as nouns, will be subjects, subject complements, or objects in the sentence. Read these examples: Eating ice cream on a windy day can be a messy experience if you have long, untamed hair. Eating ice cream on a windy day = subject of the linking verb can be.

How do you identify a participle and a gerund in a sentence?

If you find a form of “be” followed by the -ing form, that’s the present participle. For example: They’ve have been working for four hours. If the -ing form begins the sentence, or follows a verb or preposition, that’s the gerund.

Can a sentence start with a gerund?

An “-ing” word at the start of a sentence is not wrong, if it is used in the correct way. Often authors use an “-ing” word, also called a gerund, to avoid using the word “I” too much.

What is a gerund sentence?

A gerund is a noun made from a verb root plus ing (a present participle). A whole gerund phrase functions in a sentence just like a noun, and can act as a subject, an object, or a predicate nominative. The verb is, a form of the linking verb to be, is followed by reading, which renames the subject my passion.

Is used to a preposition?

Why do we use -ing for a verb after be used to? Because we always use -ing for a verb after a preposition – and the to is a preposition.

What are the 4 main types of prepositions?

There are five different types of prepositions:

  • Simple prepositions.
  • Double prepositions.
  • Compound prepositions.
  • Participle prepositions.
  • Phrase prepositions.

How do you identify a preposition in a sentence?

To identify the prepositional phrase, you should first find the preposition. In our example, the preposition is the word “in.” So we now know that the prepositional phrase starts at the word “in.” Find the noun or pronoun that ends the prepositional phrase. So, we start with “in” and keep reading.

What is an example of a preposition?

A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like “in,” “at,” “on,” “of,” and “to.”

What are 10 common prepositions?

Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

What is a preposition word list?

List of Prepositions

  • A aboard, about, above, according to, across, after, against, ahead of, along, amid, amidst, among, around, as, as far as, as of, aside from, at, athwart, atop.
  • B barring, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but (when it means except), by, by means of.
  • C circa, concerning.
  • M minus.

Where do we use preposition at?

The preposition ‘at’ is used when referring to buildings as locations in a city. This can be confused with the preposition ‘in’. Generally, ‘in’ is used with buildings to mean that something occurs inside the building. ‘At’, on the other hand, is used to express that something happens at the location.

How do you use prepositions correctly?

“I’ll meet you at 5.30.” Prepositions are always used to indicate the relationship of a noun or phrase to something else. When using a preposition, you must always have the subject and verb before it, and follow it with a noun. You should never follow it with a verb!

What is preposition time example?

Prepositions of Time – at, in, on

at 10.30am in summer on Tuesdays
at noon in the summer on 6 March
at dinnertime in 1990 on 25 Dec. 2010
at bedtime in the 1990s on Christmas Day

Where do we use to?

Use the preposition ‘to’ when indicating that there is movement from one place to another. In other words, the preposition ‘to’ with verbs such as drive, walk, go, hike, fly, sail, etc. We’re flying to San Francisco on Thursday for a meeting.

What is difference between by and with?

The difference between “by” and “with” is: 1. “By” as a preposition indicating the way of doing something (eating, walking, looking, watching, etc) (AN ACTION) 2. “With” as “by means of” comes before an INSTRUMENT (For example: I open the door with this key.)

Where do you put in and on?

IN Use in when something is located inside of a defined space. It could be a flat space, like a yard, or a three-dimensional space, like a box, house, or car. The space does not need to be closed on all sides (“There is water IN the glass”). ON Use on when something is touching the surface of something.