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What is an example of extension?

What is an example of extension?

Extension is the opposite of flexion, describing a straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts. For example, when standing up, the knees are extended. When a joint can move forward and backward, such as the neck and trunk, extension is movement in the posterior direction.

What is extension mean?

noun. an act or instance of extending, lengthening, stretching out, or enlarging the scope of something. the state of being extended, lengthened, or stretched out. that by which something is extended or enlarged; an addition: a four-room extension to a house.

What is the difference between A and a grade?

The percentages mirror the 4.0 scale, except that where a GPA difference of 1.0 corresponds to a full letter grade, I use a percentage difference of 10….Grading Numerology.

Letter → Number Conversion
Letter Grade Numerical Grade
A+ 98.75
A 95.00
A- 91.25

Is an A still straight A’s?

Originally Answered: If you have an A- on your grades and the others are all A’s, are you still a straight A student? Yes, you are. It’s still an A-grade, but I don’t think anyone but the harshest judge will hold it against you.

Why is it important to get straight A’s?

They believe that good grades will help guarantee that their children will lead happy, productive, and successful lives. In fact, straight A’s can actually be a sign that your child isn’t learning what he needs to learn in order to be successful in life.

What does it mean if you have all A’s?

The highest grades received in all of one’s courses. “A” is the highest mark in many grading systems. My parents got me a new bike for getting straight A’s this year. See also: straight.

Do straight A students do well in life?

While straight A’s might get you in the door to grad school or a job, they will in no way guarantee your success. Grant writes, “Academic excellence is not a strong predictor of career excellence.

Do C students do better in life?

The energy cost to go from an A- to an A is generally far greater than the actually learning outcome. Thus, it is often wasted energy. C students don’t put more energy into things than they need to. They are efficient, effective, and focused.

What is a straight A student called?

In the U.S., examinations are traditionally graded by letter of the alphabet, commonly A-F, with A being the highest pass grade. A ‘Straight A’ student is one that has achieved an A Grade across all subjects taken. https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/61362/what-does-i-have-straight-as-mean/61363#61363.

Is a 3.7 GPA good?

A 3.7 GPA is a very good GPA, especially if your school uses an unweighted scale. This means that you’ve been earning mostly A-s in all of your classes. If you’ve been taking high level classes and earning a 3.7 unweighted GPA, you’re in great shape and can expect to be accepted to many selective colleges.

What is the hardest school to get into?

Presenting: The 20 Hardest Colleges to Get Into in the U.S.

  • Harvard University. Photo by Lisi Cai.
  • Stanford University. Geri Lavrov.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Joe Raedle.
  • California Institute of Technology. Wolterk.
  • Yale University.
  • Princeton University.
  • University of Chicago.
  • Columbia University.

Does low GPA ruin your life?

The reasons for a low college grade point average are almost as varied as students themselves. A low GPA doesn’t necessarily ruin your future, and you can pull bad grades up with hard work. However, a very low GPA can have serious consequences both for your academic life and after graduation.

Can I get into Harvard with a 3.9 GPA?

GPA Needed for Harvard The average GPA of admitted students at Harvard is 3.9 unweighted and 4.15 weighted. If applicants apply to Harvard and their test scores and GPA fall below the average or middle 50%, students will likely be rejected, waitlisted, or deferred if they applied in the early round.

What GPA is unweighted Harvard?

a 4.0

Is 3.9 unweighted GPA good?

Assuming an unweighted GPA, a 3.9 means that you’re doing exceptionally well. This GPA indicates that you’ve earned all As on average across all of your classes. If you’ve been taking high level classes, this is all the more impressive. 96.92% of schools have an average GPA below a 3.9.

What GPA does Yale?