What is another way to say I look forward to speaking with you?

What is another way to say I look forward to speaking with you?

For example, you can use phrases like “Thank you in advance for your speedy reply”, “I await your response”, “I’m eagerly anticipating your response”, etc.

Is it correct to say looking forward to speaking with you?

Looking forward to speak with you – is not grammatically correct. Looking forward to speaking with you – is correct -but it’s also rather casual and more often the full sentence is said – “I look forward to speaking with you.”

Is it correct to say I look forward to working with you?

It’s always a noun or a pronoun after “look forward to”. “Working” is a gerund and therefore a noun. “Reply” is a noun, so “I look forward to your reply” is correct, and should not be seen as an ‘exception’. “It” is a pronoun, so “I look forward to it” is correct.

Is looking forward to seeing you formal?

‘Looking forward to meet you’ is neither correct nor formal. Any sentence used in a formal letter should be a complete sentence, and it should be grammatically correct. If you are using that just to close a letter, then you can also use: We are (or I am) looking forward to meeting you soon (or ‘on Thursday’).

How do you say see you soon politely?

2 Answers. “See you there” and “see you then” are both fine. They are somewhere between formal English (see alternative phrases below) and informal/spoken language, where a “see you” or even “see ya/cheers/cu” might suffice. A very formal way to say this would be to write “I look forward to seeing you there”.

Is seeing as correct grammar?

Seeing as is the generally accepted form; I don’t recall ever hearing anyone say seen as (though it’s possible I just didn’t notice). Grammatically speaking, seeing as is a conjunction; it fills the same function here as because. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it this way: seeing that, hence ellipt.

What can I say instead of seeing?

What is another word for seeing as?

because as
insomuch as as per the fact that
seeing considering that
on account of on account of the fact that
being as in view of

What is seeming example?

Seeming means appearing to be the case, but not necessarily the case. For example, if you talk about someone’s seeming ability to do something, you mean that they appear to be able to do it, but you are not certain. [formal, vagueness]

Where do we use see in a sentence?

Seeing her at the diner probably gave him the idea of getting help. To him that is what seeing the world is about. Worse than seeing him was feeling him. We have a hard time seeing this world without scarcity because we are firmly planted in the worldview of scarcity.

What see means?

1a : to perceive by the eye. b : to perceive or detect as if by sight. 2a : to be aware of : recognize sees only our faults. b : to imagine as a possibility : suppose couldn’t see him as a crook. c : to form a mental picture of : visualize can still see her as she was years ago.

What are the 5 types of gerund?

4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund Phrases

  • Subject. Gardening is my favorite hobby. (Gardening is normally a verb, but here it is the name of an activity.)
  • Direct Object. My neighbors admire my gardening.
  • Object of Preposition. I have received several awards for my gardening.
  • Subject Complement.

What is a gerund ? confusing English grammar?

So, to answer the question, a GERUND is a verb that is used as a noun! A noun that looks like a verb! LOOKING can be a verb and a noun. The noun looks exactly like the continuous form of the verb. So, to recognise a gerund, you need to pay attention to HOW it’s used in a sentence.