What is another way to say very good?

What is another way to say very good?

You did that very well. Fine! Nice going. You’re really going to town.

Is it correct to say very good?

‘very good’ is an adjective. So you can have, ‘John is a very good boy who he speaks English very well. ‘

How do you say very good in English?

Ways to Say VERY GOOD in English

  1. You’re on the right track now!
  2. That’s the best ever.
  3. You’ve got it made.
  4. You’ve just about mastered it.
  5. Super!
  6. Perfect!
  7. That’s right!
  8. That’s better than ever.

What do you say after very good?

Ways to Say Very Good

  • Perfect!
  • Super!
  • Exactly rights.
  • Fantastic.
  • Fine!
  • Great!
  • Congratulations!
  • Wonderful.

How do you say well done?

21 ways to say “well done”

  1. I’m proud you’re on my team.
  2. Congratulations on a terrific job.
  3. You’re so helpful. Thank you.
  4. You continually improve. Well done.
  5. Thanks so much for your consistent effort.
  6. I really admire your perseverance.
  7. Your cheerful mood lifts the team’s spirit.
  8. You’re a champion.

Which is better very good or well done?

The rule of thumb is that good is an adjective and well is an adverb. Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. All you need to remember when you are pondering whether good or well is best for your sentence is that good modifies a person, place, or thing, whereas well modifies an action.

How do you say job well done?

For a job well done Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. Wonderful, this is more than I expected. This is so great I don’t need to make any revisions to it at all. I appreciate your critical thinking around this project.

How do you use well done?

used as a way of praising someone and saying that you are pleased about and approve of something they have done: “I passed the test.” “Well done!”

What does very well done mean?

The definition of well done is performed with skill, or thoroughly cooked. An example of well done is a research paper that received a perfect score. An example of well done is a steak that has no redness or pinkness to it.

What meaning well done?

1 : rightly or properly performed. 2 : cooked thoroughly a well-done steak.

How do you wish well done?

More Formal

  1. “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
  2. “Heartfelt congratulations to you.”
  3. “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.”
  4. “Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”
  5. “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.”

What can you say instead of good job?

The List

  • “Hmm!” Smile and nod. That’s right.
  • Tell me about this!
  • I can see that you_____. (
  • You look proud.
  • Describe + How did you do it?
  • Thank you!
  • Describe + I appreciate your hard work / effort.
  • Your face looks happy!

How do you use well done in a sentence?

It is fair to say that, on the whole, it has been well done. It has been very well done and it was very badly needed. I should have thought that was pretty well done at present. I am not going to list what has been done—and well done—since then, and much that needs to be done.

How do you say good for you?

40 Ways to Say “Good for You!”

  1. That’s really nice.
  2. Wow! That’s great!
  3. I like the way you’re working.
  4. Keep up the good work.
  5. That’s quite an improvement.
  6. Much better.
  7. Keep it up.
  8. What neat work!

Why is it bad to say good job?

Author Alfie Kohn talks about some of the downsides to using the phrase “Good Job” with children: it can be used to “manipulate” them to complete a task, it can turn kids into “praise junkies,” it can steal a child’s pleasure, cause them to lose interest in an activity and reduce their sense of achievement.

How do you say happy working with you?

Some examples from the web:

  1. I’d be glad to work with you.
  2. I would be really glad to work with you.
  3. I would be really glad to work with you.
  4. I’m glad to work with the ODS, Michael.
  5. I don’t know about you, but I am glad I came to work today.
  6. Thank you very much Glad to work with you.

Why will we love working with you?

The people we love to work with with have a knack for doing the opposite: they make their ideas feel like our ideas. When that happens we all work harder. We all work with a greater sense of purpose. We all feel a greater like we’re part of something bigger.

How do you say I’m glad working with you?

To respond to I am glad to work with you, I would say: so am I.

How do you answer it’s been a pleasure to work with you?

Thank you. You too. Thank you. I’ve really enjoyed the experience as well.

What is the answer of it’s my pleasure?

Typically, someone says “it was my pleasure” after the person they’re talking with says “thank you”. It’s another way of saying “you’re welcome.” Therefore, after this exchange, there’s no further response needed.

What is the reply of nice to meet you?

Hello, the most common answer is “Nice to meet you too”. You can also say “Thank you. It’s very nice to meet you as well”, “Am glad to meet you too”.

What is the reply to Have a Lovely Day?

So, from a friend or a person you know it is fine and you should respond with any of the usual, hi, thanks, you too, so nice thanks, thank you, etc. with a warm smile.

What is the reply of whats up?

“What’s up?” or here (West Midlands of England) commonly just “sup” is a general greeting, you can response with answers like “Not much”, “Nothing”, “Alright” etc. In this context, the response is just a return of the greeting, or a confirmation that all is going normally.

Can I say it was a pleasure meeting you?

Both are correct. “It is a pleasure…” is present tense and is used when you meet someone (possibly, but not necessarily) for the first time. “It was a pleasure…” is past tense and is used usually at the end of the first meeting.

How do you say nice to know you?

5 “Nice to meet you” or a variation.

  1. It’s great connecting with you.
  2. Pleased to meet you.
  3. Lovely to meet you.
  4. How do you do? (Formal. Especially in Britain)
  5. Delighted to make your acquaintance. (Very formal)