What is another word for mentioned?

What is another word for mentioned?

In this page you can discover 44 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for mentioned, like: noticed, cited, referred, brought-up, specified, quoted, introduced, named, declared, communicated and made known.

What do you mean by mentioned?

verb (used with object) to refer briefly to; name, specify, or speak of: Don’t forget to mention her contribution to the project. to cite formally for a meritorious act or achievement: He was mentioned in dispatches from the war zone.

Is it mention or mentioned?

If you mention something, you say something about it, usually briefly. A mention is a reference to something or someone. At the community centre, mention of funds produces pained looks. If someone is mentioned in writing, a reference is made to them by name, often to criticize or praise something that they have done.

How do you use mentioned?

Mentioned sentence example

  1. I should not have mentioned that.
  2. You’ve known this for months but not mentioned it to him?
  3. Her age must have been mentioned at least a half-dozen times in the last six trips.
  4. The realtor never mentioned it.
  5. Yancey had never mentioned the meeting with Allen.

How do you use worth mention in a sentence?

He then called me to let me know that they had given him a piddling sum, barely worth mentioning. The only example worth mentioning is the notion that one of the four lead girls is a board builder. One only mildly irritating curiosity worth mentioning here is a little bit of what sounds like pre-echo.

Is worth to mention?

The first example, “it is worth mentioning that”, is acceptable. The second, “it is worth to mention that”, is incorrect. One might correct it by saying: It is worth it to mention that…

Is worth or is worthy?

Worth is a noun, approximately synonymous with value, so it doesn’t fit there. Worthy is the correct part of speech (an adjective), but I don’t think it means what you want to say. Worthy means ‘deserving (of)’, whereas ‘worthwhile’ means ‘worth the effort/money/etc spent on’.

What is the meaning of worth mentioning?

noteworthy; notable; worth mentioning. noteworthy adj.

What is meant by noteworthy?

: worthy of or attracting attention especially because of some special excellence a noteworthy contribution.

How do you say it is important to note?

Synonyms for It is important to note that

  • it should be noted that.
  • importantly. adv.
  • it should be pointed out that.
  • it is important to emphasize that.
  • it is important to point out that.
  • it is worth noting that.
  • it should be recalled that.
  • it is important to highlight that.

What does Just a side note mean?

What is the meaning of “on a side note”? Simply put, “on a side note” is another expression for “parenthetically” or “incidentally.” It’s basically another way of announcing that what you’re about to say may be less important or unrelated to what came before it.

What does parenthetically mean?

A parenthetical statement is one that explains or qualifies something. That second statement is parenthetical: it clarifies the first statement. Just like words in parentheses (like these words) add clarity to a sentence, parenthetical words in speech help make something clearer or give extra information.

How do you use side notes in a sentence?

Parenthetically or incidentally; by the way; in addition to but less important than what was just being discussed. So we should have the report finished up by this afternoon. Oh, and on a side note, I managed to organize a meeting with the CEO tomorrow.

How do you write a sidenote?

For example, “sidenote” is “sidenote” in Merriam-Webster but “side note” in the New Oxford American Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary (can’t link to this one).

Is sidenote a word?

A note or notation made in a side margin. A minor related mention; made as an aside, or afterthought. As a sidenote I’d like to thank that team for their hard work.

How do you say side note?

Parenthetically or incidentally; by the way; in addition to but less important than what was just being discussed. So we should have the report finished up by this afternoon. Oh, and as a side note, I managed to organize a meeting with the CEO tomorrow.

What is another word for side note?

What is another word for sidenote?

afterthought addendum
affix excursus
accompaniment tailpiece
PS allonge
additional remark epilogUS

What’s another word for caveat?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for caveat, like: warning, admonition, alert, caution, notice, alarm, flag, admonishment, monition, dont and hint.

What is another word for FYI?

What is another word for FYI?

for your information I’d like to bring to your attention
I’d like to notify you it should be mentioned that
just so you know just so you’re aware
just to let you know so you know
for your attention for your perusal

Is it rude to say FYI?

“FYI” “FYI” is just rude and can easily become a tool in passive aggressive communication when forwarding an email from someone else – “FYI, you should know about this”.

How do you politely say FYI?

2 Answers

  1. I’d just like to bring to your attention… + an issue / a recent discovery / an interesting fact.
  2. I would just like to update you on…
  3. I’d like to notify you that…
  4. Just so you know…
  5. Just so you’re aware…

Is BTW rude?

acronym for “by the way”. BTW, I’m 43 years old. BTW, you’re very rude. See more words with the same meaning: acronyms (list of).

What does AFK mean sexually?

6. AFK – Away from keyboard. 7. ASL – Age/sex/location. 8.

What does 88 mean sexually?

in sexual parlance to describe oral sex performed twice (ate twice)

What is BBJ?

What does BBJ mean? BBJ as abbreviation means “Bare Blow Job”