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What is are in grammar?

What is are in grammar?

What does are mean? Are is also a conjugated form of to be. Are is the first-person plural present, second-person singular and plural present, and third-person plural present tense of this verb. It also functions as an auxiliary verb.

Is have used with name?

The easiest way to remember the correct use of has is that it is paired with the pronouns he, she, and it. It can also be used when you are referring to someone by name. John has a bike. Suzy has a car.

What does either of us mean?

Here either of us means any one of us which is a singular, so for singular we use is . So the answer is “Either of us is capable of doing this job”

Can do either way?

—used to say that whether one or the other of usually two possible decisions, actions, or results is chosen the result will be the same I’m not sure if I will take the bus or train, but either way I will be there tonight.

What’s the word for not caring either way?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.

How do you write either or both?

You might want to choose one of the objects or the other, but you cannot have the two of them together. For example: “You can either have cake for dessert, or ice cream.” When you are presenting the choice of two different things, you can use both words “either… or” – with each item after the two words.

Should I use either or both?

We use either with a singular noun. We use either of with a plural noun. We use both with a plural noun.

What is the rule of both?

Using “both” Both can be used with plural nouns on its own, or it can be followed by “of”, with or without an article. When followed by a plural pronoun, both must be separated from the pronoun by “of”. Both cannot be used with singular nouns, because it refers to two things.

What is the negative of both?

Both means ‘the 2 of them’ and becomes ‘neither’ in a negative context. Both Mary and Judy are secretaires.

Can you use or in negative?

Or = not joining independent clauses In English, or is used in negative sentences to join two or more nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, dependent clauses, etc. To recognize a negative sentence in English, look for adverbs such as not or never.