What is barf in French?

What is barf in French?

barf, the ~ (vomitpuke) vomissure, la ~ (f) Noun. vomis, le ~ (m) Noun.

What does the French word Depeche mean?

noun. dispatch [noun] a written official report.

What is the word sick?

1a : affected with disease or ill health. b : of, relating to, or intended for use in sickness a sick ward. c : affected with nausea : inclined to vomit or being in the act of vomiting sick to one’s stomach was sick in the car. 2 : mentally or emotionally unsound or disordered.

What is the similar word of sick?

Sick Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for sick?

ill unwell
infirm unhealthy
debilitated poorly
unsound diseased
weak bedridden

What is the similar of sick?

SYNONYMS FOR sick 1 infirm, indisposed. 2 nauseous, nauseated.

How do you say very sick?

11 Ways to Say Sick

  1. I’m sick. Obviously, this is the basic and straightforward way.
  2. I am sick as a dog. This is a common expression that means “very sick”.
  3. I have a cold.
  4. I’m under the weather.
  5. I am ill.
  6. I feel terrible.
  7. I have come down with something.
  8. I’m might be coming down with something.

What are the antonyms of sick?

Antonyms for sick

  • Antonyms: keep down. Definition: manage not to throw up.
  • Antonyms: unalarming. Definition: not alarming; assuaging alarm.
  • Antonyms: strong. Definition: having strength or power greater than average or expected.
  • Antonyms: pleased. Definition: experiencing or manifesting pleasure.
  • Antonyms: sane.

What is another word for not feeling well?


  • ailing.
  • bedridden.
  • broken down.
  • debilitated.
  • diseased.
  • feeble.
  • feverish.
  • frail.

How do you text not feeling well?

Sick? Text Message to Boss Examples

  1. “I have (the flu/a cold/etc.)
  2. “I’m feeling ill today and don’t think I can do my job efficiently.
  3. “I’m not feeling well today and need to take the day off.”
  4. “I’m not feeling well and need to use a sick day, but I’ll be back at work tomorrow.”

When should I say I’m not feeling well?

“I’m not feeling well” is a good set phrase you can use when you want to tell someone that you feel sick, but you don’t want to specifically say what’s wrong. “I’m not feeling well” can be used when you have a headache, stomachache, a cold, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, or other health problems.

How do you say I’m not feeling well in English?

Learn English: What to say when you feel unwell

  1. “I don’t feel well.” “I am feeling sick.”
  2. “I am feeling very tired today.” “I have been feeling very run-down lately.”
  3. “I have a bad headache.” “I have a sore arm.”
  4. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. Maybe you should go home to bed?”
  5. “I’m still not feeling well.”

What is correct I feel good or I feel well?

Both answers are correct. Feel well and be well refer to one’s health. Well in this case is an adjective. This is the only use of well as an adjective-to mean healthy, not sick. Feel good means to feel happy.

Is it grammatically correct to say I am well?

“I’m well” is also allowed but not for the reasons many think. That response only works if “well” takes on its adjectival form, meaning “in good health” or “good or satisfactory.” Now, if someone asks “How are you doing?” “I’m doing well” is the correct response.

Do you say doing good or doing well?

Both are correct BUT ‘good’ is an adjective and ‘well’ is an adverb. ‘I am doing good’ is how a lot of Americans speak, and a lot of British pedants (like me) get very angry and insist that it should be ‘I am doing well’. It’s the old prescriptive over descriptive grammar argument.

Why do you say well instead of good?

Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. Well modifies a verb; an action can be done well. All you need to remember when you are pondering whether good or well is best for your sentence is that good modifies a person, place, or thing, whereas well modifies an action.

Where do you put fast in a sentence?

So if we want to emphasize how fast the boy ran, we can put “quickly” at the end of the sentence, or at the beginning: Quickly, the boy ran to the bus stop. In some cases, however, a modifier can change the meaning of a sentence if it’s not in exactly the right place. The word “only” is a good example.

Did you sleep well or good?

Most people say “sleep well.” The simple explanation goes like this: “Good” is an adjective (modifying a noun, like “good coffee”). “Well” is an adverb (modifying a verb or verb phrase, like “play the guitar well”).

What is difference between Will and well?

As verbs the difference between will and well is that will is (archaic) to wish, desire or will can be (rare|transitive) to wish, desire (something) while well is to issue forth, as water from the earth; to flow; to spring.

Will and will be examples?

I will have a meeting with my boss tomorrow about my business trip. When you get up tomorrow, I’ll be talking with my boss about my business trip. The plane will land soon, so please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing in about fifteen minutes, so please fasten your seatbelts.

Is it we’ll see or will?

2. ‘We’ll see’ is also simple future (we will see), but is used in English as an expression meaning either ‘maybe’ as a response to a question, or to refer to a situation that perhaps will happen, but that we (people in general) will have to wait to see whether it occurs or not.

What is future tense of will?

There are two basic future tenses used to describe things that happen in the future. The first future tense is the future with “will.” Use the future with will to talk about an event in the future that you have just decided to do, for predictions and for promises. Examples: I think I’ll go to that party next week.

What is the past tense of will?
