What is brother in ancient Greek?

What is brother in ancient Greek?

Ancient Greek Cognate to Sanskrit सगर्भ्य (ságarbhya, “brother”).

What does Brothers in Arms refer to?

: a close associate especially : a fellow member of a military service.

Is it brother in arms or brother at arms?

Men call each other brothers in arms (brother in arms, in the singular) in a variety of formal and informal contexts other than war, though it always suggests a resolute, unquestioned, and valorous-styled support for one another.

How do you use brothers in arms?

Examples of ‘brothers-in-arms’ in a sentence brothers-in-arms

  1. There was no fraternisation between the former brothers-in-arms.
  2. These people betrayed their friends, their brothers-in-arms.
  3. But they died together as brothers-in-arms, fighting valiantly for a vital cause.

What does sisters in arms mean?

Noun. sister-in-arms (plural sisters-in-arms) A woman comrade in arms.

What does in arms mean?

—often used in the brother/sister/comrade in arms to indicate one has helped to fight an enemy especially in a war He and I were brothers in arms.

Was up in arms meaning?

Angry, rebellious, as in The town was up in arms over the state’s plan to allow commercial flights at the air base. This idiom originally referred to an armed rebellion and was so used from the late 1500s.

What does comrade in arms mean?

: a person one fought with or worked together with to achieve something He spoke fondly of his old comrades in arms.

What does compatriot mean?

1 : a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another We watched our compatriots compete in the Olympics.

What is another word for comrade?

SYNONYMS FOR comrade 1 crony, fellow, mate.

What does Comrade mean in Russian?

In the late 19th century Russian Marxists and other leftist revolutionaries adopted as a translation of the word Kamerad the Russian word for tovarisch (Russian: товарищ) (from Old Turkic tavar ishchi; abbreviated tov.), whose original meaning was “business companion” or “travel (or other adventure) mate”, deriving …

Is Russian difficult?

Russian is widely believed to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. The need to learn the Russian alphabet serves as yet another obstacle for many people who would like to learn the language. They might be surprised to know that the Russian alphabet actually takes only about 10 hours to learn.