What is declarative sentence and give example?

What is declarative sentence and give example?

A declarative sentence simply makes a statement or expresses an opinion. In other words, it makes a declaration. This kind of sentence ends with a period. Examples of this sentence type: “I want to be a good writer.” (

What are 10 examples of exclamatory sentences?

Here are some examples of exclamatory sentences:

  • You were meant to be back yesterday!
  • Jeepers! You scared the life out of me!
  • We won!
  • This puzzle is driving me up the wall!
  • You’re adorable!
  • It’s a boy!
  • I’m really going to miss this place!

What is declarative and exclamatory?

A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period. Examples: I go to Voorhees Middle School. An exclamatory sentence shows excitement or expresses strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point. Examples: What an easy assignment that was! I won the tournament!

What are 10 examples of declarative?

10 example of declarative sentence

  • I love my dog.
  • My new car is black.
  • George brushes her teeth twice a day.
  • She doesn’t study German on Saturday.
  • I and my sister don’t see each other anymore.
  • Tomorrow early morning first I go to morning walk.
  • Chemistry is my favorite subject, but my brother really likes social studies.

What are the example of declarative?

A simple declarative sentence has a simple sentence structure, consisting of a subject and a predicate. Examples of declarative sentences in the simple form include: My dog is sick. It is a nice day.

What are the 3 main types of sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders).

What are the 5 types of sentences?

  • Declarative Sentence (statement) Declarative sentences make a statement.
  • Interrogative Sentence (question) Interrogative sentences ask a question.
  • Imperative Sentence (command) Imperative sentences give a command.
  • Exclamative Sentence (exclamation)

What is an example of sentence?

A complete sentence must have, at minimum, three things: a subject, verb, and an object. So, you might say, “Claire walks her dog.” In this complete sentence, “Claire” is the subject, “walks” is the verb, and “dog” is the object. …

How can I use where in a sentence?

“I visited my old neighborhood where I have the best memories.” “I went back to the store where I bought my sweater.” “I went to the library where I studied until 8 o’clock.”

Why use it in a sentence?

We also use it to introduce or ‘anticipate’ the subject or object of a sentence, especially when the subject or object of the sentence is a clause. Most commonly, such clauses are to + infinitive and that clauses. It’s good that she’s doing more exercise.

Can or could you please?

“Could” is the polite form of “can”—so both are correct, but we use them in different situations. We use “can” when we are telling someone to do something. We use “could” when we are making a request. Teacher to students: “Can you please be quiet!”

What do can and could express?

We all know how important it is to be able to express in English the ability or the possibility to do something, but English grammar can be tricky. So can and could are modal auxiliary verbs that express an ability, permission, request, offer or opportunity….

How do you express ability?

Ability can be expressed using modal verbs and phrases. Learners often prefer to use be able to because it is the easiest to form. As learners progress, they begin to use can, could, and managed to….

Can could be used for future?

We often use could to express possibility in the present and the future.5 dias atrás

Could is used for past or future?

The use of ‘could’, ‘would’, or ‘will be’ all imply future tense. The past tense version would be: “You could not have made me happy, and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world who could have made you so.”…

Where we can use would and could?

Could, would, and should are all used to talk about possible events or situations, but each one tells us something different. Could is used to say that an action or event is possible. Would is used to talk about a possible or imagined situation, and is often used when that possible situation is not going to happen….

What is the use of would in sentence?

The Many Uses of ‘Would’ in Everyday Speech, Part 1

Uses of ‘Would’ Example
Reported speech Anita said that she would bring the drinks.
Present unreal conditionals (imaginary situations) I would move to Japan if I spoke Japanese.
Repeated past actions When I was little, I would play hopscotch with my friends.

What type of word is if?

In written and spoken English, the word “if” serves a double purpose. It can either be used as a conjunction or as a noun. This word is most commonly used as a conjunction because it can connect two clauses to form a single sentence by presenting the conditional clause.

What is declarative sentence and give example?

What is declarative sentence and give example?

A declarative sentence does not ask a question (“Do you like cheese?”), give an order (e.g., “Pass the cheese.”), or express strong emotion (e.g. “I hate cheese!”). Declarative sentences simply make a statement (or a declaration). They pass on information.

What are the example of declarative?

A simple declarative sentence has a simple sentence structure, consisting of a subject and a predicate. Examples of declarative sentences in the simple form include: My dog is sick. It is a nice day.

What is the form of declarative sentence?

The form of a declarative sentence is subject-verb. The function of a declarative sentence is usually to make a statement. But not always! Sometimes it can ask a question, give a command or even express emotion.

What are the three kinds of sentences?

Three essential types of sentence are declarative sentences (which are statements), interrogative sentences (which are questions), and imperative sentences (which are orders).

What is called sentence?

About Transcript. A sentence is a grammatically complete idea. All sentences have a noun or pronoun component called the subject, and a verb part called the predicate. David and Paige explore this division across several different example sentences.

Is called in a sentence?

(1) Many are called but few are chosen. (2) A man is called selfish ,not pursuing his own good ,but neglecting his neighbour’s. (3) Yesterday will not be called again.

Are sentence examples?

[M] [T] Both of them are in the room. [M] [T] Her feelings are easily hurt. [M] [T] The church bells are ringing. [M] [T] We are going to have a storm.

Is am are simple sentence?

Am Is and Are = हूँ , हैं , हो ….Use of Am Is and Are with Positive Sentences in Hindi.

1. मै खुश हूँ . I am happy.
3. वह चालाक हैं . He is clever.
4. मैं अमीर हूँ . I am rich.
5. वह पतला हैं . He is thin.
6. वे लोग बुद्धिमान हैं . They are wise.

Where or were in a sentence?

Were is the past tense of be when used as a verb. Where means in a specific place when used as an adverb or conjunction. A good way to remember the difference is that where has an “h” for “home”, and home is a place. Out of the two words, “were” is the most common.

What is a sentence for Had example?

Had sentence example

  • They had two adopted children already.
  • Certainly she had been under a lot of stress.
  • All the papers had been signed and the money provided.
  • She had a choice.
  • A nearby steeple had been broken off short and the fragments lay heaped beside it.
  • Would she ever outgrow the things mama had taught her?

What are examples of had?

Here are some more examples of when to use “had” in a sentence:

  • “Chloe had walked the dog before he fell asleep.”
  • “By the time you came to pick me up, I had already walked to the party.”
  • “Patrice had already made the reservation when Marla suggested the other restaurant.”

What tense is used in had?


Has been or had been?

“Had been” is used to mean that something happened in the past and has already ended. “Have been” and “has been” are used to mean that something began in the past and has lasted into the present time.

Has been or had been examples?

While “had been” is used in past perfect continuous. “Has been” is more commonly used for third person , while “have been” can be used for both first person and second person.It can also be used as a plural form for third person. For example : She has been working at that company for three years.

Was been is correct?

Originally Answered: Is it correct to use ‘was’ or ‘were been’ in the past tense? *“Were been” is always incorrect. Those two words are never used directly together side by side. “Was” is a simple past tense form of “to be,” used with all pronouns except “you.” (“You were…”)

How use have been in a sentence?

Usage of “Have Been & Has Been” When we are talking about the present: If the subject of a sentence is I – You – We – They or a plural noun (cars, birds, children) we use ‘have been’. If the subject of the sentence is He – She – It or a singular noun (car, bird, child) we use ‘has been’.

Where do we use being?

It can be used as a gerund, or in present or past continuous tenses. In a present or past continuous tense, being says that it is happening now, or was happening before, in a continual manner. He is being nice. She was being bad.

Where do we use been?

As a rule, the word “been” is always used after “to have” (in any of its forms, e.g., “has,” “had,” “will have,” “having”). Conversely, the word “being” is never used after “to have.” “Being” is used after “to be” (in any of its forms, e.g., “am,” “is,” “are,” “was,” “were”). Examples: I have been busy.

Have been Vs are?

The auxiliary verb ‘are’ is used as the plural form of the auxiliary verb ‘is’, and it is used in the present continuous tense. On the other hand, the form ‘have been’ is used as the preset perfect continuous form of any given verb. This is the main difference between the two words.