What is definition of flow?

What is definition of flow?

1 : an act of moving in or as if in a stream a flow of tears a flow of praise. 2 : the rise of the tide the ebb and flow of the tide. 3 : a smooth even movement : stream the flow of conversation a flow of information. 4 : an amount or mass of something moving in a stream blood flow.

What is flow in short?

flow verb [I] (MOVE) (especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, especially continuously and easily: Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside. Many short rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.

What is flow in grammar?

>> “Flow is a word used to describe writing that has logical structure and varied language within and between sentences and paragraphs.”

How do you describe flow?

The word flow has many shades of meaning but most involve the steady movement of something. The verb flow often describes the movement of fluids, such as water or even blood, but it can also describe other things that move in a constant stream.

What is an example of flow?

The definition of a flow is an act of moving or running smoothly, a movement of water or the continuous moving of ideas, stories, etc. An example of a flow is a steady movement through the development of a research paper. An example of a flow is the movement of a stream.

What can I use instead of flow?

Some common synonyms of flow are arise, derive, emanate, issue, originate, proceed, rise, spring, and stem.

How do you make a story flow better?

4 Easy Edits That Make Your Story Flow Better

  1. Eliminate crutch words. Crutch words are words we lean on too much in our writing — used when unnecessary, repeated too often, diluting the point.
  2. Finish strong with sentences and paragraphs.
  3. Substitute action or description for he said/she said.
  4. Break up some paragraphs.

What is the flow of the poem?

Rhythm is the flow or cadence of the writing; rhyme is a literary device that’s used within the poem. And whether a poem rhymes or not, a lack of rhythm can be disastrous.

What is the opposite word of flow?

What is the opposite of flow?

ebb sink
recede retreat
withdraw flow back

What does the word flaccid mean?

1a : not firm or stiff also : lacking normal or youthful firmness flaccid muscles. b of a plant part : deficient in turgor. 2 : lacking vigor or force flaccid leadership.

What is another name for slow?

What is another word for slow?

unhurried leisurely
idle lackadaisical
laggy late
lollygagging slothful
torpid apathetic

What are gliding words?

Words related to gliding fly, sail, slither, flit, float, drift, spiral, waft, slide, skate, skim, descend, slip, skip, soar, shoot, decline, run, stream, wing.

What animals move gliding?

A few other mammals can glide or parachute; the best known are flying squirrels and flying lemurs.

  • Flying squirrels (subfamily Petauristinae).
  • Anomalures or scaly-tailed flying squirrels (family Anomaluridae).
  • Colugos or “flying lemurs” (order Dermoptera).

What is a gliding joint?

Plane joint, also called gliding joint or arthrodial joint, in anatomy, type of structure in the body formed between two bones in which the articular, or free, surfaces of the bones are flat or nearly flat, enabling the bones to slide over each other.

What is body gliding?

Gliding occurs when the surfaces of bones slide past one another in a linear direction, but without significant rotary or angular movement. An example of this movement is moving your hand back and forth (left to right) in a waving motion, which causes gliding to occur at the joints of the carpals (wrist bones).

Are gliding suits real?

Wingsuit flying (or wingsuiting) is the sport of flying through the air using a wingsuit which adds surface area to the human body to enable a significant increase in lift. The modern wingsuit, first developed in the late 1990s, creates a surface area with fabric between the legs and under the arms.

What are those gliding suits called?


Where is gliding joint found in our body?

Gliding joints occur between the surfaces of two flat bones that are held together by ligaments. Some of the bones in your wrists and ankles move by gliding against each other.

What are gliding joints How are they important to us?

A gliding joint, also known as a plane joint or planar joint, is a common type of synovial joint formed between bones that meet at flat or nearly flat articular surfaces. Gliding joints allow the bones to glide past one another in any direction along the plane of the joint — up and down, left and right, and diagonally.

Which joint is movable?

Movable joints are also the most common type of joint in your body. Your fingers, toes, hips, elbows, and knees all provide examples of movable joints. The surfaces of bones at movable joints are covered with a smooth layer of cartilage. The cartilage reduces friction between the bones.

What is gliding Class 5?

A gliding joint (plane joint or planar joint ) is a common type of synovial joint built between bones that meet on flat or nearly flat articular surfaces. Gliding joints allow the bones to glide past each other in either direction along the joint plane up and down, right and left and diagonally.

What is joint class 5th?

A joint is junction where two or more bones meet. Different parts such as bone, muscles, synovial fluid, cartilage and ligaments work together which enable us to bend, stretch, twist and turn easily. Most of our joints are move only in certain directions.

Which type of joint is not movable?

Immovable or fibrous joints are those that do not allow movement (or allow for only very slight movement) at joint locations. Bones at these joints have no joint cavity and are held together structurally by thick fibrous connective tissue, usually collagen.

What are the 6 types of movable joints?

The six types of freely movable joint include ball and socket, saddle, hinge, condyloid, pivot and gliding.

What is the most movable part of the body?

Synovial joint: The most common and most movable type of joint in the body of a mammal.

What is the strongest joint in the body?
