What is difference between loss and lose?

What is difference between loss and lose?

Loss means an instance of losing, such as a defeat when used as a noun. Loss is a noun that means “something that is lost, a detriment.” Lose is a verb that means “to come to be without something, to fail to retain.”

Does loss mean death?

Loss is defined as having something or someone leave or be taken away from you, a feeling of grief when something is gone, or a decline in money. An example of loss is when your parent dies.

What loss means?

1 : the act or fact of losing something a loss of courage. 2 : harm or distress that comes from losing something or someone We all felt the loss when he left. 3 : something that is lost weight loss. 4 : failure to win It was the team’s first loss.

Is loss a correct spelling?

Correct spelling for the English word “loss” is [lˈɒs], [lˈɒs], [l_ˈɒ_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you use loose and lose correctly?

Lose is a verb that means “to fail to win, to misplace, or to free oneself from something or someone.” Loose is an adjective that means “not tight.” Only one O distinguishes loose from lose.

Is losses a real word?

Lose /luːz/ is a verb. If you lose something, you no longer have it, or you cannot find it.

How do you use the word loss?

When to Use Loss Loss is a noun, and it means the fact or process of losing something or someone. Budget cuts within a corporation may lead to job loss, and a financial lossmay eventually lead to bankruptcy. Example: After a devastating game 7 loss, the team was eliminated from the playoffs.

What are the example of losses?

A loss is a reduction in value that is not related to earning revenue. For example, a business generates a loss when it sells off machinery for a price that is lower than its carrying amount. Another example of a loss is being required to pay another party as a result of an unfavorable outcome in a lawsuit.

What is the meaning of to be at a loss?

phrase. If you say that you are at a loss, you mean that you do not know what to do in a particular situation. I was at a loss for what to do next.

Is nonplussed in English word?

Nonplussed means totally perplexed, puzzled, or confused, often to the point of not knowing what to do or say. Nonplussed is primarily used as an adjective, but it can also be the past tense of the verb nonplus, meaning to perplex, puzzle, or utterly confuse someone. But there is no adjective plussed.

What’s another word for nonplussed?

Synonyms:uncertain, unsure, doubtful, dubious, tentative, unconvinced, sceptical, questioning, inclined to think​/​believe​/​agree etc.

What is a word that is the opposite of itself?

A contronym, often referred to as a Janus word or auto-antonym, is a word that evokes contradictory or reverse meanings depending on the context. Specifically, a contronym is a word with a homonym (another word with the same spelling but different meaning) that is also an antonym (a word with the opposite meaning).

What are some difficult words?

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out.
  • Ironic.
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless)
  • Whom.
  • Colonel.
  • Nonplussed.
  • Disinterested.
  • Enormity.

What inchoate means?

: being only partly in existence or operation : incipient especially : imperfectly formed or formulated : formless, incoherent misty, inchoate suspicions that all is not well with the nation — J. M. Perry.

What does the word ironic mean?

English Language Learners Definition of ironic : using words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny. : strange or funny because something (such as a situation) is different from what you expected.

What does ironic mean in reading?

adjective. using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning; containing or exemplifying irony: an ironic novel; an ironic remark. of, relating to, or tending to use irony or mockery; ironical.