What is epic mean?

What is epic mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero the Iliad and the Odyssey are epics. 2 : a work of art (such as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic.

How do you spell epic?

How Do You Spell EPIC? Correct spelling for the English word “epic” is [ˈɛpɪk], [ˈɛpɪk], [ˈɛ_p_ɪ_k] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is epic a real word?

Epic comes from the Greek word for song, because Greek poets like Homer sang their poems. We tend to use epic for long, ambitious novels or movies, especially if they involve a long journey. Epic can be used as an adjective to describe something historically important, lasting and complex.

How do you use the word epic in a sentence?

Epic in a Sentence ?

  1. With over twenty artists performing, the concert is going to be epic.
  2. The movie took over three years to make and is being described as an epic blockbuster.
  3. When I spilled the customer’s soft drink, he screamed at me like I made an epic mistake.

What is a Sarger?

A saga is a long story, account, or sequence of events. … A saga is a long story composed in medieval times in Norway or Iceland.

Is Sager a word?

Having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment.

Is Saget a Scrabble word?

SAGET is not a valid scrabble word.

What does Sager mean in German?

The surname Sager is an occupational surname; that is, it is derived from the work of the original bearer. In this case it is derived from the occupation of carpenter or miller. The name is derived from the Old German word “sager,” which means “sawyer,” or a person who saws wood.

Where is the Sager family from?

She was born in Ohio in 1835, the third of seven children of Naomi and Henry Sager, who set out in 1844 with their family and a group of pioneers, called the Independent Colony, heading for the fabled Oregon Territory.

What is safe slang for?

UK slang. used to show that you agree or are happy with something: “You OK?” “Safe, man,” Shaun muttered. More examples.

What does SFE mean in texting?
