What is extended metaphor?

What is extended metaphor?

An extended metaphor is a version of metaphor that extends over the course of multiple lines, paragraphs, or stanzas of prose or poetry.

What are extended metaphors used for?

An extended metaphor is a rhetorical technique that explains a concept by directly mentioning another concept and drawing multiple parallels between them. It is often used to explain a complex idea — allowing readers or listeners to visualize it in terms that they already understand.

How are metaphors and extended metaphors differ?

While a metaphor describes the way someone thinks or feels, an extended metaphor compares multiple unlike things. While a metaphor conveys a set of ideas, an extended metaphor conveys a single idea across the poem.

What is an extended metaphor quizlet?

Extended Metaphor. A comparison between two unlike things (metaphor) that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem.

Is a comparison over the course of a poem?

Extended metaphor. An extended metaphor refers to a comparison over the course of the poem. It may be a sentence or a group of words that are unlikely and are linked together all throughout the poem. It could also be a full paragraph.

What is the literal meaning of stalks the Caged Bird?

What is the literal meaning of stalks? to walk with measured, stiff strides. A free bird leaps. on the back of the wind. and floats downstream.

What do you mean by bars of rage?

It is blinded by that “rage” and understands that there is no escape from its bars of incarceration. The bird cannot visualize what the free bird can because it is caged with pent up anger. The “bars of rage” are a metaphor for the feelings of people who are bound by slavery, ignorance, and prejudice.

What is the theme of the poem caged bird?

Themes. ‘Caged Bird’ is filled with powerful themes. These include racial oppression, freedom/captivity, and happiness/sorrow. These themes are all wrapped together in ‘Caged Bird’ through Angelou’s depiction of the two birds, one free and one caged.

What is meant by fearful trill?

The word fearful trill represents the desperation of the bird. Trill means fast movements of the wings since the bird is scared and longs for freedom he is making fast movements with his wings in fear of the coming troubles.

Why is the caged bird fearful?

Although the caged bird “sings of freedom,” she sings “with a fearful trill.” The blacks’ dream of liberty is very old. Despite their continued struggle, they have suffered defeat and frustrations repeatedly. Thus, the caged bird’s fear is about the uncertainty of achieving freedom in the future.

Why does the caged bird sings with a fearful trill?

The poetess says that the caged bird sings with a fearful trill. It means that the bird sings in trembling and fearful voice. It is ironic that the caged bird is singing and not the free bird as the free bird is more likely to be happy.

Who sings with a fearful trill?

The caged bird

How can the bird that is born for joy?

“How can the bird that is born for joy/Sit in a cage and sing?” These words from William Blake’s poem The Schoolboy were spoken by today’s guest on Desert Island Discs, David Almond. Almond predicted that this “madness” would be laughed about in 50 years time.

How do the little ones spend their day?

The little one sits in a relaxed and lethargic way, hunched in his classroom table. He finds no pleasure in any of the school activities and waits anxiously to let the day pass by and he could return back to his parents. He finds his books very dis-interesting since they have been “Worn through” due to rain.

How long is an extended metaphor?

The term “extended metaphor” refers to a comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph, or lines in a poem. It is often comprised of more than one sentence, and sometimes consists of a full paragraph.

What happened to the person whose skull was found by Peterkin?

Peterkin came home as he had found a skull while playing. What made the old man shake his head and sigh? Answer: The old man shook his head in sadness for the people who had died in the war.

What is the irony in after Blenheim?

the irony in this poem is that old man(kaspar) is praising the wars which destructed and damaged so many lives and even his own parents were left homeless due to the war. hope it helps you… answer from an icse 2019 candidate.

Why does Kaspar call it a famous victory?

He finds it difficult to believe in something new breaking away from the popular belief that the battle ended in a famous victory. He heard so many people mention it as a ‘great victory’. So he believed in it. He did not question it all his life.

What did old Kaspar tell about the great victory?

Answer: Kaspar told his grandchildren that the English defeated the French in the battle of Blenheim and that though thousands of men were killed in war, it was a famous victory. In fact, Kaspar repeated what the people generally said that it was a famous victory.

What were the result of the great victory?

Explanation: The Great victory resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people. Old Kaspar’s house was burnt and as a result he and his family had to leave their house. Also, there were many skulls and dead bodies lying in the field.

What reason does the old man give for the victory?

Why? The old man repeats the war as a famous victory because being a Bavarian he sides with the English and says that it was something natural and the victory was something to be proud of. Also he thinks conventionally and has no original thinking about the war.

Who was old Kaspar?

kaspar was old person in after blenheim who was a common farmer who ploughs the field and grows crops. Old Kaspar was representative of the oridinary common people who believe in the claim of authority.

What figure of speech is used in the line Twas a good victory in the poem after Blenheim?


What is the poetic device used in a famous victory?

The poet uses irony when Old Kasper says “But ’twas a famous victory” or regards the war as a “great victory” but does not know why — ‘Why that I cannot tell,’ said he.

What is meant by was wasted far and wide?

What is meant by ‘was wasted far and wide’? The country referred to is Blenheim, which is the English name for the German village of Blindheim, situated on the left bank of the Danube River in Bavaria in Southern Germany. It refers to the death and destruction caused by the war.