What is FIM assessment?

What is FIM assessment?

What is FIM? FIM stands for Functional Independence Measure, an assessment tool doctors, therapists, and nurses use during rehabilitation and physical therapy. FIM gauges and track the amount of assistance that a person may require to carry out everyday activities.

What does a functional assessment measure?

The Functional Assessment Measure (FAM) has been proposed as a measure of disability in post-acute Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) outpatients. By addressing a set of problems quite specific for TBI outpatients the FAM was intended to raise the ceiling of the FIMSM and to allow a more precise estimate of their disability.

What are the FIM levels?

FIM scores range from 1 to 7 (1 = total assist and 7 = complete independence). Scores falling below 6 require another person for supervision or assistance. The FIM measures independent performance in self-care, sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, and social cognition.

Who uses FIM?

Your PT may also use your FIM score in while working with other rehab providers like occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists. Your physical therapist may also use your FIM score to assess your overall safety with mobility. 3 The more assistance you need with a task, the lower your FIM score will be.

What are FIM scores?

The FIM is an 18-item ordinal scale, used with all diagnoses within a rehabilitation population. FIM scores range from 1 to 7 (1 = total assist and 7 = complete independence). Scores falling below 6 require another person for supervision or assistance.

How do you score Fam in FIM?

It has an ordinal scoring system for all 30 items from 1-7 (1=complete dependence and 7 fully independent). Scoring is conducted at 2 time points – approximately 7-10 days after admission (admission score) and within 7 days of discharge (discharge score).

Is the FIM still used?

AOTA is disappointed to learn that CMS determined not to collect additional data using the FIM in the IRF setting. For that reason, CMS finalized the removal of the FIM™ Instrument and associated Function Modifiers from the IRF-PAI for discharges beginning on or after October 1, 2019.

What is the meaning of FIM?


Acronym Definition
FIM Friendship Is Magic
FIM Forefront Identity Manager (Microsoft)
FIM Face in the Mirror
FIM Finance and Information Management

How does functional independence Measurement ( FIM ) application work?

The Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) application allows multiple clinicians (inter-disciplinary assessment) to complete a FIM assessment and document it in the medical record as a progress note and/or as a response to a consult. The FIM application transmits this data to FSOD in Austin and creates a FSOD case in the database.

What are the different types of FIM assessments?

The FIM is an 18-item, 7-level functional assessment designed to evaluate the amount of assistance required by a person with a disability to perform basic life activities safely and effectively. There are five types of FIM assessments: admission, goals, interim, discharge, and follow-up.

Is there a user manual for functional independence?

Mar 2017 Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) User Manual, Version 1.0 1 Introduction. The Functional Independence Measures (FIM) Version 1.0 provides an integration of FIM assessments into the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) and into the Functional Status and Outcomes Database (FSOD) at the Austin Automation Center (AAC).

Where can I find FIM version 1.0?

The Functional Independence Measures (FIM) Version 1.0 provides an integration of FIM assessments into the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) and into the Functional Status and Outcomes Database (FSOD) at the Austin Automation Center (AAC).