What is Lebensraum mean?

What is Lebensraum mean?

1 : territory believed especially by Nazis to be necessary for national existence or economic self-sufficiency.

Was Austria ever a part of Germany?

Austria existed as a federal state of Germany until the end of World War II, when the Allied powers declared the Anschluss void and reestablished an independent Austria. Schuschnigg, who had been imprisoned soon after resigning, was released in 1945.

Does Austria want to be part of Germany?

The vast majority in both countries wanted unification with Germany (now the Weimar Republic) into a Greater German nation, but this was strictly forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles to avoid a dominant German state.

What side was Belgium on in ww2?

Despite being neutral at the start of World War II, Belgium and its colonial possessions found themselves at war after the country was invaded by German forces on 10 May 1940.

Why was Switzerland neutral in ww2?

During World War I and World War II, Switzerland maintained armed neutrality, and was not invaded by its neighbors, in part because it is surrounded by mountains.

How did Spain stay out of ww2?

During World War II, the Spanish State under Francisco Franco espoused neutrality as its official wartime policy. This neutrality wavered at times and “strict neutrality” gave way to “non-belligerence” after the Fall of France in June 1940.

Did Germany invade Sweden?

Sweden was not directly attacked during World War II. It was, however, subject to British and German naval blockades and accidental bombings from the Soviets on some cities (e.g. Strängnäs), which led to problems with the supply of food and fuels.

Did Germany invade Denmark?

The attack was a prelude to the invasion of Norway (German: Weserübung Nord, 9 April – 10 June 1940). Denmark’s strategic importance for Germany was limited….German invasion of Denmark (1940)

Date 9 April 1940
Location Denmark
Result German victory Occupation of the Faroe Islands Invasion of Iceland
Territorial changes Occupation of Denmark

Why is Sweden not in NATO?

Sweden. In 1949 Sweden chose not to join NATO and declared a security policy aiming for non-alignment in peace and neutrality in war. As such, the Swedish government decided not to participate in the membership of NATO because they wanted to remain neutral in a potential war.

What side was Sweden on in World War II?

The neutral states of World War II — among them Switzerland, Sweden and Portugal — composed their neutrality day after day. The Swiss did not want the Germans in Geneva but did not have an army that could stop them from getting there.

Which countries did not take part in ww2?

Afghanistan, Andorra, Estonia, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Tibet, Vatican City, and Yemen were all neutral during the war.

Did Germany invade Norway?

With the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, Norway again declared itself neutral. On April 9, 1940, German troops invaded the country and quickly occupied Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Narvik. Half of the fleet, however, was lost during the war. …

Why did Germany want Norway?

On the pretext that Norway needed protection from British and French interference, Germany invaded Norway for several reasons: strategically, to secure ice-free harbors from which its naval forces could seek to control the North Atlantic; to pre-empt a British and French invasion with the same purpose; and.

Who liberated Norway?

Liberation of Finnmark
Soviet Union Norway Naval support: United Kingdom Canada Materiel support: Sweden Germany Quisling Government
Commanders and leaders
Kirill Meretskov Vladimir Shcherbakov Arne Dagfin Dahl Lothar Rendulic Franz Böhme

Did Denmark fight in ww2?

At the outset of World War II in September 1939, Denmark declared itself neutral. For most of the war, the country was a protectorate and then an occupied territory of Germany. The decision to occupy Denmark was taken in Berlin on 17 December 1939. On 9 April 1940, Germany occupied Denmark in Operation Weserübung.

Was Denmark ever a part of Germany?

During World War II, Denmark was occupied by Nazi Germany, but was eventually liberated by British forces of the Allies in 1945, after which it joined the United Nations….Middle Ages.

Kingdom of Denmark in the Middle Ages Kongeriget Danmark i middelalderen
Today part of Denmark Sweden Germany

How long did the Germans occupy Denmark?

On the morning of 9 April 1940 Denmark was attacked by Germany. There was sporadic fighting between the Danish and German armies. However, the government in Copenhagen decided that the German military superiority was too great to justify further resistance.

Did Denmark fight with Napoleon?

Denmark was brought into the Napoleonic Wars on the French side when attacked by Britain at the Battles of Copenhagen in 1801 and 1807. The eventual defeat of Napoleon led to the break-up of the Denmark-Norway union. The next major combats were over control of Schleswig, in the First and Second Schleswig Wars.

Can you walk across the bridge between Denmark and Sweden?

December 1, 1999: The final section of the railway between Copenhagen and Malmö is placed in position. June 9 – 12, 2000: The Øresund Bridge opens to the public. Hundreds of thousands of people cycle, run or walk across the link during the special “Open Bridge” days.

Did Denmark own England?

Rulers of England. The House of Knýtlinga ruled the Kingdom of England from 1013 to 1014 and from 1016 to 1042. In 1013 Sweyn Forkbeard, already the king of Denmark and of Norway, overthrew King Æthelred the Unready of the House of Wessex.

Are Vikings Norwegian?

Vikings is the modern name given to seafaring Norse pirates from southern Scandinavia (present-day Denmark, Norway and Sweden) who from the late 8th to the late 11th centuries raided, pirated, traded and settled throughout parts of Europe.