What is love letter in French?

What is love letter in French?

• love letter. → lettre d’amour.

What is a Billido?

Bellido is a Spanish surname. It was originally a nickname for someone handsome, from the Spanish bellido.

What is a Billy do?

Definition. billy-doo rate. (Adult / Slang) Anglicization of billet-doux , a love letter.

How do you start a love letter in French?

If you are writing to someone you know, you met, or if you are answering to someone who wrote you first, then you can start with “Cher Monsieur X,” or “Chère Madame X,” or even “Chère Mademoiselle X”. Use this French salutation you feel like being a bit more friendly, not if you are writing to complain!

What is SMS in French?

[ˌɛsɛmˈɛs ] noun abbreviation. (= short message system) SMS m.

What is text message in French?

noun. SMS m ⧫ texto m.

How do you use Bravo in a sentence?

Bravo in a Sentence ?

  1. The actors all received a thunderous bravo from their audience once they were done with their play.
  2. I gave my son a bravo after he demonstrated his newfound ability to backflip, something his friend at school taught him how to do today.

Where is Bravo used?

Used to express approval, especially of a performance. To express approval of by shouting “bravo.” A shout or cry of “bravo.” The definition of bravo is something you say or shout when applauding or otherwise commending someone for a job well-done.

Which parts of speech is Bravo?


part of speech: interjection
inflections: bravoes, bravos
definition 1: a shout of “bravo”.
definition 2: a villain, esp. a person hired to commit murder.
related words: acclaim, acclamation, applause, assassin, cheer

What’s a Bravo male?

bravo (plural bravos or bravoes) A hired soldier; an assassin; a desperado.

What does Bravo six mean?

Bravo-six is the Captain’s callsign. ‘going dark’ means that the operator is initiating radio silence. An iconic line said by Captain John Price, from the game Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare.

What is the word for Bravo in Spanish?

Bravo/brava is an adjective with various meanings in Spanish. We use it when we want to say someone is brave or courageous. In some Spanish-speaking countries, however, bravo/brava is also used as a synonym for angry, mad or upset.