What is Odysseus supposed to ask Tiresias in the underworld?

What is Odysseus supposed to ask Tiresias in the underworld?

He is the whole reason that Odysseus went to Hades. Odysseus asks him for aid, and Tiresias tells him that it will not be the peaceful journey home that he seeks, but rather a tough, taxing journey. Even though Poseidon is against Odysseus, Tiresias promises that he will return home.

Why does Odysseus go to Tiresias?

In Book 11 of The Odyssey, The Kingdom of the Dead, Odysseus visits the underworld to consult with the prophet Tiresias. Circe instructs him to visit Tiresias so he can find out about his future, which will involve a difficult journey home.

Why does Odysseus go to the underworld or Land of the Dead?

Why does Odysseus go to hades, the land of the dead? Odysseus goes to the land of the dead to see the blind prophet Tiresias. he needs help from the prophet to guide him home. Their were trying to make Penelope odysseus wife pick a new husband because they all thought he was dead from the trojan war.

Did Odysseus travel to the underworld?

THE UNDERWORLD/ THE LAND OF THE DEAD Odysseus leads his men to the underworld, where he summons the prophet Tiresias. Tiresias lets Odysseus know the curse that Poseidon had set upon him, and how the journey to his home is going to be rough. He also interacts with his mother who tells him about the suitors in his home.

What happens when Odysseus visits the underworld?

In Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, the protagonist Odysseus and his crew visit the Underworld. Their journey is guided by directions from Circe, the sea witch, who instructs them to make a sacrifice at the entrance to the world of the dead. Upon this sacrifice, ghosts visit the men.

What does Odysseus learn from the underworld?

What does Odysseus learn about his journey from Tiresias in Hades? Odysseus learns that Poseidon will make it very difficult for him to get home; he will never escape Poseidon. Tiresias tells Odysseus that he will kill the suitors when he gets home and that he will arrive home a lot later than expected.

What information does Odysseus gain by going into the underworld?

Terms in this set (8) How does Odysseus gain access to the underworld? He follows Circe’s instructions. He digs a votive pit and pour libations(milk, honey, mellow wine, and pure water) to the dead and sacrifices the lamb and ewe given to him by Circe.

What questions does anticlea ask Odysseus?


  • “Tell me of father, tell of the son I left behind:
  • do my royal rights still lie in their safekeeping?
  • Or does some stranger hold the throne by now.
  • because men think I’ll come home no more?
  • -Odysseus (

Who does Odysseus speak to in the underworld?


What is something Teiresias does not tell Odysseus during his visit?

In The Odyssey Odysseus is warned by the blind prophet Tiresias that all of the sacred cattle of the Sun God Helios should be left alone. Tiresias says that the cattle should be avoided at whatever cost, and that if they are not, the men will all meet their doom.

What is Tiresias prophecy?

A boy leads in Tiresias, the blind soothsayer of Thebes. Tiresias tells him that his refusal to bury Polynices and his punishment of Antigone for the burial will bring the curses of the gods down on Thebes. Hearing this, Creon curses Tiresias, calling him a false prophet who traffics in poor advice and rhetoric.

What can Tiresias see?

Tiresias is blind but can see the truth; Oedipus has his sight but cannot. Oedipus claims that he longs to know the truth; Tiresias says that seeing the truth only brings one pain. As Oedipus grows angrier, he taunts Tiresias for his blindness, confusing physical sight and insight, or knowledge.

What is the importance of Tiresias?

Tiresias serves the purpose of motivating and propelling the main character Oedipus through the story. Through values such as truth, knowledge and faith, Tiresias controls the fate of Oedipus the King. Tiresias is a blind soothsayer or rather, a prophet.

Is Tiresias immortal?

It is also said that Athena did not take the sight of young Tiresias; as the goddess explained to Chariclo 1, these were the old laws of Cronos, which inflicted the penalty of blindness on any mortal who beheld an immortal without consent. Tiresias is said to have lived an exceptionally long life.

How does Tiresias see the future?

When Athena blinded Tiresias, she also gave him foresight, the ability to see into the future. He is often portrayed as the oracle of Apollo, a man who could see the future and the will of the gods. It’s in this role, as a prophet and an oracle who possesses the gift of foresight, that Tiresias appears in Oedipus Rex.

Is Tiresias a God?

In Greek mythology, Tiresias (/taɪˈriːsiəs/; Greek: Τειρεσίας, Teiresias) was a blind prophet of Apollo in Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years. He was the son of the shepherd Everes and the nymph Chariclo.

Who are Tiresias parents?

Teiresias’ Family Through his father, Everes, Teiresias was a descendant of Udaeus, one of the five sown men of Thebes (the Spartoi); Teiresias’ mother, on the other hand, was a nymph named Chariclo, a devoted servant of Athena.

Why are prophets blind?

Tiresias is a blind prophet who appears in several Greek myths, including the Odyssey and Oedipus the King. The cause of his blindness varies from myth to myth, but the most common consensus is that the Gods blinded him as punishment for revealing their secrets.

Are seers blind?

Seers in the SSI strategy game Dark Legions (for the PC) have completely white eyes and are defined by the game as being blind in their description. City of Heroes has an enemy group ALSO called “Seers”. They supposedly can see, but they have face-plates over their eyes.

Why do Vikings lick the seers hand?

As not much is known about the religious practices of the Vikings, those seen in the series are mostly fictional, and licking the hand of the Seer came up as a sign of respect towards someone with contact with the gods. This gesture has also made way for a fan theory regarding Floki and the new oracle.

Why are seers deformed?

Blindness is the most common deformity among seers and oracles, and it’s a metaphor that works on multiple levels. The first is that wisdom has a price — nothing comes free, especially not the gift of prophecy. The second is that only those who shut out the immediate can see what lies beyond.

Did Vikings believe in seers?

The ancient seer is one of the most important figures in Viking life because the Vikings believe in fate and the Seers can read the runes and often translate the wishes of the gods.

Why do Vikings say Skol?

Skol is a friendly expression used before drinking, and it shows friendship and companionship. The Vikings use the phrase while raising their glasses, as a form of toast. According to the Collins English Dictionary, the phrase means ‘good health’.

What is a Viking Witch called?


What is wrong with the seer in Vikings?

It is not known if his deformity is congenital, by disease or even violence – neither can we be sure if he even has eyesight. His shamanic abilities (including visions), however, can be confirmed – which probably makes him one of the most revered characters in Kattegat.