What is the best way to combine the two sentences?

What is the best way to combine the two sentences?

You have four options for combining two complete sentences: comma and a conjunction (“and,” “but,” “or,” “for,” or “yet”) semicolon and a transitional adverb, like “therefore,” “moreover,” or “thus”

Which is the most effective way to combine sentence 1 and 2?

The answer to your question would be that the most effective way to combine sentences 1 and 2 is the following one: Alfred I ruled England for nearly 20 years, from A.D. 871 to 899.

Which is the most effective way to combine sentences 5 and 6?

Explanation: Within these options, the most effective way to combine sentences 5 and 6 is option A, because called the AAGPBL is modifying the noun league without introducing any passive sentence or independent clause, which would hinder fluency in an unnecessary way.

Which is the best way to combine sentences 8 and 9?

umbrella comes from the latin word umbra, which means “shade.”umbrella, coming from the latin word umbra, meaning “shade.”umbrella meaning “shade,” the word umbrella coming from umbra.

Which is the most effective way to combine sentences 10 and 11 eventually?

Which is the most effective way to combine sentences 10 and 11? Eventually using the umbrella as protection from the rain as well as the sun, the Romans. Eventually, the Romans using the umbrella to protect themselves from the rain as well as the sun.

What is the most effective way to combine sentences three and four?

I would put a comma to combine the sentences.

Which is the most effective way to vary the sentences in this passage?

Which is the most effective way to vary the length of the sentences in the passage? Divide long sentences into two or more shorter ones.

Which is the most effective way to vary the sentence patterns?

7 Ways to Vary Sentence Structure

  • Embrace short sentences.
  • Follow dense sentences with simple sentences.
  • Use the active voice when possible.
  • Use a variety of transition words.
  • Cut down on conjunctions by using semicolons.
  • In persuasive writing, start paragraphs with a pithy thesis statement.
  • Use rhetorical questions.

What are the 7 basic sentence patterns?

Sentence structure can be categorized into seven patterns: one simple, three compound, two complex, and one compound-complex.

What are the 6 sentence patterns?

There are six basic or simple sentence patterns: Subject/Predicate, Action Verb. Subject/Predicate, Action Verb/Direct Object. Subject/Predicate, Action Verb/Adverb.

What is C in sentence pattern?

COMPLEMENT (C) The words required to complete the meaning of a sentence are called Complement of the sentence. e.g. S. V.

What are the 10 sentence patterns?

The students (SUBJECT = NOUN PHRASE) || gave (VERB) the professor (INDIRECT OBJECT = NOUN PHRASE) their homework (DIRECT OBJECT = NOUN PHRASE). The students (SUBJECT = NOUN PHRASE) || consider (VERB) the teacher intelligent (ADJECTIVE).

What is the meaning of s TV do OC?

S-TV-DO-OC Pattern Subject- Transitive Verb-Direct Object- Objective Complement Objective Complement- is a noun or an adjective that completes the meaning of the transitive verb and refers to the direct object.

What is LV in sentence pattern?

Sentence Patterns. Code: S=subject V=verb LV=linking Verb PN=Predicate Nominative PA=Predicate Adjective DO=Direct Object IO-Indirect Object.

What is io sentence pattern?

The components of this sentence pattern are Subject, Verb, Indirect Object, and Direct Object. The IO and DO are two separate noun phrases. The IO is the recipient of the DO. In most cases, the IO is a human recipient.

What is SVOO pattern?

Subject + Verb + Object + Object (SVOO). • The first object term is called the INDIRECT object, and the second object term is called the DIRECT object. Mary gave John a book.

What is Sviodo pattern?

III. SVIODO ( Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object ) Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object. The teacher taught us grammar.

What is the pattern of indirect object?

(S-V-IO-DO) That element is called the indirect object. The pattern is subject plus action verb plus indirect object plus direct object. Many times, the indirect object is found by asking To whom? or To what? after the verb and the direct object.

What is complement in sentence pattern?

A complement in grammar is a word, clause, or phrase that’s needed to describe the subject or object of a sentence. Complements typically follow linking verbs, which show connection rather than action.

What is the syntactical pattern for an indirect object?

Indirect object – a noun in the predicate following a transitive verb; it names the recipient of the direct object. Intransitive verb – an action verb that requires no complement. Linking verb – a verb that requires a subjective complement to be complete….Sentence Patterns.

Subject Intransitive Verb
Audiences laugh.

What is a indirect object example?

An indirect object is an optional part of a sentence; it’s the recipient of an action. In the sentence “Jake gave me some cereal,” the word “me” is the indirect object; I’m the person who got cereal from Jake.